Malady Exposure Condition in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

Malady Exposure

Universal Maladies
Condition | Aug 17, 2019

Ailments that reality itself suffers found all over the world.


There are many maladies that plague the world, and the mystery surrounding them only grows as one studies the effects they have on the minds of those exposed to them. Universal Maladies are sicknesses of reality, and since we are part of this reality, they can affect our minds as much as they affect the world.
This makes them exceptionally difficult to study, and even more so to fight back against them in search of a cure. While The Estoyan Pathfinders are working hard to eliminate the dilation of time and space brought on by Universal Vertigo ushering in an effective method of measuring time, , there are no such boons granted for the many others that slow progress to a healthy reality.

People respond by avoiding areas under the influence of a malady. The world is a very isolated place and there are many who have no idea some nations even exist.


  There are no true ways to treat exposure. Time allows the wounds to heal somewhat but almost every malady has a permanent effect on the mind. The only method that's can be referred to as a "cure" will be the therapy brought on by Universal Mania. This can often do more harm than good if the individual over exposes themselves, what is the only way to nullify the many effects brought on by the other maladies. Arcane Energy has shown no improvement when used, and even divine intervention cannot guarantee a complete reversal of the effects.


Universal Melancholia causes a great many distressing impairments on the mind of anyone who enters an area under its influence. Depression is by far the most common and most permanent if you happen to survive. On top of this, the malady tends to force its own will on those who are exposed to it, causing them to Focus on the worst possible scenario of any action taken while exposed.

This can be as simple as death to more complex and abstract concepts such as not being able to see once family again and failing in one's duty. 90% of all deaths caused by Melancholia have nothing to do with the monsters creatures within it, nor are they caused by exposure to the black ichor that spreads the malady. The vast majority of all deaths in Melancholia are caused by giving up. Most bodies found have little to no signs of fighting, rather it almost seems like they simply sat or laid down and never got back up.

Universal Melancholia
Condition | May 27, 2019

A universal malady of sorrow and misery


Universal Vertigo is a peculiar malady as it isn't isolated to any one place and exists throughout the world. While the Pathfinders have limited its influence greatly in many parts of the world, there are still many areas caught in its influence at the time of Expedition Demeter. The most common mental illness that stems from vertigo would be impairment of hand eye coordination and depth perception. The mind has trouble telling time correctly after being directly exposed to the effects of vertigo. During the war between Estoya and The Provinces of Mhirriah, many individuals who crossed the border found that they were substantially less skilled than they were before they had crossed. I had trouble predicting movements and timing of enemy attacks, in the sound that sometimes battles seem to last for days when they only lasted for a few hours and vice versa. This effect tends to wear off over a long enough. Of time without exposure, but often makes the difference between life and death for those who suffer it.
Universal Vertigo
Condition | May 27, 2019

The dilation of time and space that can turn a daylong trip into a year long affair and vice versa.


a malady commonly found in the The Freeholds, the effects of Universal Phobia on the mind are varied depending on what it is that the exposed party is most afraid of. Phobia is the least lethal of all Universal Maladies.While the horrifying things that can be found within its influence are most certainly capable of killing you, it is not the melody itself that is doing so.
Those caught in Nyctophobia, for example. almost always emerge from the other side unscathed, though likely suffering post-traumatic stress temporary blindness for some time after the event. In fact, phobia can actually be beneficial as it forces one to face their own fears which can of course bring about trauma but can also bring about catharsis should the individual overcome that fear.

Universal Phobia
Condition | May 27, 2019

A universal malady of fear


The effects of Universal Disquiet on the mind have yet to be studied fully as it is exceptionally rare. The most common the facts are an overwhelming sensation that one is being watched, a distinctive tension that since many who suffered into a panic attack.
Those exposed tend to walk away from it with severe post-traumatic stress even to the point developing various mental illnesses including various personality disorders and some have even developed psychosis.
The effects of disquiet also tend to be quite lethal as any exposure to The Weir that causes it almost surely leads to death. In the rare cases where death does not occur, the unfortunate victim becomes a Weir Beast. Its an unpleasant way to go, as the mindless creature claws at any who stray to close.
Universal Disquiet
Condition | May 26, 2019

A universal malady of paranoia and anxiety.

Mania and Hysteria

Mania is by far one of the most beneficial maladies if exposed to it in moderation. It is often used as a method of therapy especially in the colony of Aelusia. Universal Mania is only found in Lartasia where this method of therapy originated. If prolonged exposure is not remedied as soon as possible, those exposed will inevitably succumb to extreme manic states of activity. These states often make one remarkably creative and active but tend to bring on insomnia and psychosis. It should also be sad that bipolar disorder is most commonly associated with Mania. When those exposed to it exit their manic States they tended to experience all time lows making them irritable as their personality flips with no warning. This effect is often referred to as hysteria when it appears and it's true form at the heart of every area affected by Universal Mania. Hysteria is Mania but significantly more active. Those exposed to attend to be remarkably hostile and find even the slightest noise or brightness of color abrasive
Universal Mania
Condition | May 26, 2019

A universal malady of manic madness



While not particularly common and only appearing as a green gel that spews from the ground in a dramatic and explosive fashion, Universal Philia is one of the few maladies that chooses to not affect the mind as much as the body. Philia has taken more lives than any other malady. This is primarily due to the shock experienced on the victim as they mutate and grow due to direct exposure. If the individual survives the mind is usually intact, though post-traumatic stress is certainly a possibility.

Universal Philia
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jun 24, 2019

A universal malady that comes from green gel that causes rapid and violent growth when exposed to biological material.


Ethical Sheen

Ethical Sheen
Physical / Metaphysical Law | May 27, 2019

Cover image: by Olli Siponkoski


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