Euphoria Condition in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil


The old man looked at me and smiled, was this how it was to be? Was he to lose his mind before he finally passes on?
  Euphoria is a misconception in the world of Expedition Demeter. It is not a Universal Malady at all, but everyone thinks it is. Most often associated with old age, it is a firm belief of even the most knowledgeable mage that Euphoria is the effect of the sickness in reality on the mind. Many believe that as a part of reality, the very presence of the maladies in reality affects you, even if you're never exposed to it.    

What it is:

In reality, Euphoria is a set of symptoms that would include Dementia, poor hearing and sight, fatigue, a hunched posture, and other problems that can happen as one reaches old age. Few ever make to the age required for these things to occur. Many would say it is a blessing, as losing yourself is worse than most deaths one could experience. As loved one's watch day by day, the victim will begin to lose themselves as memories vanish from their minds. They become lethargic, and forgetful, and usually pass one day in their sleep with a smile on their face, hence the name. The smile is the only part of the condition that puzzles those who study the condition.

A Quiet Death

Despite the fact that this ailment is not related to the Universal Maladies that plague the world, that doesn't mean something strange isn't going on. One of The Dread Princes, 12 gods and goddesses with less than admirable agendas who chose to remain in the lives of mortals, is said to be directly responsible for this final gift of bliss.
It is thought that Myrmidian , Alfen goddess of lust and storms is the one who takes their lives, granting them visions and sensations of pleasure that gives them a painless and happy death. It is unclear how true this is, as most Alfen refuse to even speak her name, and she is not known for her mercy.

Cover image: by Lorenzo Lanfrancon


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