Cinder Of The Fields
Born from ashes
These memories and more caused such mental stress that her entire worldview changed. Many of the battles that she saw unfold in her mind we're not only battles she knew from history, but battles that she experienced first hand. The stories of valor and glory now turned to stories of slaughter and sorrow. What she once believed to be her achievements of victory, contorted into disjointed memories of horror and brutality.
She forced her way out of the armor, severing the connection. She fell to the ground, called for help, and was astounded to find an enemy bard would answer. The woman was a famous bard of Cordais, Bruna. Bruna was the founder of The College of Last Rites. Bards of the college take it upon themselves to read the last rites of as many religions they could learn to the dead on the field of battle, a process that could take days to weeks.
The Bard used her power to heal Cinder's wounds, singing a long-lost lullaby to the dead in hopes they find peace. Cinder took a keen interest in the bards of last rites. It was a Bardic College she never heard of. They have no epic tales depicting their great deeds, and in those moments, Cinder felt that they were the only ones deserving of it.
She forced her way out of the armor, severing the connection. She fell to the ground, called for help, and was astounded to find an enemy bard would answer. The woman was a famous bard of Cordais, Bruna. Bruna was the founder of The College of Last Rites. Bards of the college take it upon themselves to read the last rites of as many religions they could learn to the dead on the field of battle, a process that could take days to weeks.
The Bard used her power to heal Cinder's wounds, singing a long-lost lullaby to the dead in hopes they find peace. Cinder took a keen interest in the bards of last rites. It was a Bardic College she never heard of. They have no epic tales depicting their great deeds, and in those moments, Cinder felt that they were the only ones deserving of it.
The College of Ashes
These events led her to joining The University of Espada, where she earned her colors soon after. She began the College of Ashes in hopes of finding these unspoken heroes, like Bruna. She founded it in the hopes that people will come to understand the importance of the aftermath, in the unspoken truths.
She refused to allow history to be written by the victors. She went on to influence many nobles in the Freeholds with her talks of peace. Stories spread of how she was able to prevent the worsening of a battle or to keep the wars from happening in the first place.
She refused to allow history to be written by the victors. She went on to influence many nobles in the Freeholds with her talks of peace. Stories spread of how she was able to prevent the worsening of a battle or to keep the wars from happening in the first place.
Glory will always come at a cost equal and opposed to the glory earned, a tax paid in cinders.
The Works of Cinder
The following are the bards most famous works.
- A Song for Lhora: A quiet and mournful song intended for the viola. The song is thought to be symbolic of her husband's death, as Lhora is the name of a famous house in Espada.
- Longing:A collection of poems written by Cinder, compiled after her death to celebrate the bard by the College of Ashes. The titular Longing is one of her most heartfelt poems written for Bruna, whom cinder never met again due to a war between the two freeholds.
- Lady Cinder Of The Fields: While she wrote many songs and poems, she only completed a single text: her memoir. The book is featured in many collections all over the world, referred to as a thrilling, tragic, and beautiful tale.
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