Pacify Creature Spell in Ethnis | World Anvil

Pacify Creature

You may make a Performance check against a Creature to Pacify them. The Target is on its Page. If you succeed, they gain a number of Pacification Counters, referred to henceforth as their Pacification Level.

Some creatures have Pacification Actions, such as feedings or certain noises, which may affect your check or will passively increase or decrease Pacification.

Pacified creatures may choose aid your quest in their own way, or may simply become non-hostile. Creatures have varying behaviors. Be wary. Don't expect pack behavior from a lone predator.

Once Pacification reaches Zero, their attitude towards you will revert.

Example Template

Headstand Bird

Pacification Target: 6

Pacification Check Modifiers

If these are true while trying to pacify the creature it will affect the Target

  • Character is making hooting noises (+2)
  • Chracter is wearing shiny clothes (+1)
  • Character is moving erratically (-1)
  • Character is making shrill noises (-2)
Pacification Actions

If these happen to/around, it will affect their Pacification.

  • Provide food in a colorful feeder (+5)
  • Loud Noise (-3)

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Jan 6, 2024 23:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Gentle hooting noises, colourful feeder with food, shiny clothes... Got it.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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