Oceancloud Algae

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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
Oceancloud algae is an algae that grows and floats in large clumps on the ocean's surface, blocking some light downwards and casting shadows on the ocean floor. Found in Etharai's oceans, lakes, and rivers, it is known to cause clogs in smaller pipes and waterways, as its thin and stringy form can get through most grates and filters. The species does have a few uses, despite this, and plays an important role in multiple ecosystems.


Oceancloud algae is small and grows in thin, short segments that connect to one another via tiny hairs. These hairs make the algae cling to most materials. It does not possess the ability to move on its own, simply drifting with the currents of the water. In stagnant areas, it is able to grow much more than in tumultuous seas. Most commonly, it is a white or bluish off-white colour.

Habitat & Ecology

Oceancloud algae serves as food for many animals, including fish, aquatic mammals, and crustaceans. It cannot grow very far underwater, as it requires significant amounts of sunlight to survive and grow. It is not picky at all about the water it grows in, however. It can grow in saltwater or freshwater, and the water does not even have to be particularly clean for it to grow.

Uses & Byproducts

Because of its tendency to cling to objects it touches, oceancloud algae can be used in a pinch to help stop the bleeding from large open wounds. The iron in the blood is likely to harm the algae, however, so this is only ever a last resort.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Oceancloud algae is most often white. However, it occasionally appears slightly tinted pink, green, or yellow, depending on mineral deposits and stagnancy of the water. Unhealthy oceancloud algae is a deep blue colour, which indicated that either the species is not getting enough sunlight and nutrients, or that it has a viral infection.


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Apr 27, 2024 16:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a fun little species, though I can imagine it is very annoying when it clogs things up.

Apr 29, 2024 00:53 by spleen

fun in concept but less so in practice

Have a wonderful day!