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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
The anari is a large aquatic mammal native to eelgrass plains and kelp forests. Gentle giants, these creatures are known for they playful and curious attitudes towards the unknown. Their low survival instincts can be attributed to their lack of natural predators, their mellow disposition an extention of this. The anari are a protected species, due to their low numbers, and hunting as well as interaction with them is prohibited; the former for concerns of a diminishing population, and the latter so that the anari don't begin to associate people with positive feelings and begin to put themselves in danger by entering urban zones.


The anari look not too dissimilar to otters, at least in the cranial plane. They have small ears that are capable of closing while the species is underwater, which is a majority of the time. They have two large pairs of pectoral fins, which aid in their maneuverability. Their vertical isocercal pectoral fins at the end of their long tails also serves this purpose. They have short and stiff dorsal fins. They are rather plump, though they are much longer than they are wide. They can reach lengths of up to 80 feet, but their low metabolism allows them to subsist on less food that would normally be required for a creature of their size. This has a side effect of the species spending a lot of its time napping or otherwise participating in energy-conserving activity.

Dietary Needs & Habits

The anari is an herbivore, grazing the ocean floor for plants like seagrasses or kelps. They do have teeth, and these teeth are all molars - flat, to allow for the chewing of leaves and other plant matter. Their digestive systems are able to handle any toxins and poisons they may be eating, allowing to eat almost any plant they come across.
Conservation Status
Geographic Distribution


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Apr 7, 2024 21:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Me reading this article: Awww, they sound like cute little - 80 feet?!?!?! XD

Apr 7, 2024 22:47 by spleen

yes they are Large :D

Have a wonderful day!