They walk among us, statuesque, steps resounding through the ages. Much though they bear the visages of Men, they are not us. From the time of Nyx they came, and now sandaled feet shake the Earth whilst their cities claw at the heavens. Behold the masters of the World. And we forever tremble in the shadows of Titans.
One need look no further than the poets to know Atlantis as the greatest city to ever stand. That it lies at the heart of the World—and the center of the sea—should hardly come as a surprise. How many verses were spent vainly trying to encompass the majesty of the great boughs of the World Tree? How many songs espouse the grandeur of the eternal acropolis and its sparkling cataracts? The Olympians may reign from their unapproachable peak, but it is in Atlantis that Men truly glimpse the divine. — The philosopher Milsos