Farlands Geographic Location in Emore | World Anvil

Farlands (fɑːrˈlənds)

An alleged maelstrom of magikal and potential energies collide in the Farlands. Though few expeditions have gone in, even less have returned without being physically or mentally changed...
Warden O. B. Davies
The Farlands extends from the southern borders of the known world, to what limits no one is sure. It was once claimed by the people of the Oldfront Empire, who mapped the beginning regions of the space before the records stop entirely. It is considered by many to be one of the darkest and most prominent regions for its potential link to Magik, though no one is certain if this existed before or after the known arrival of the force.   There are no known living settlements within the Farlands. I note alongside this file what some might call a notable settlement, this is not living, according to the information that is in the possession of Arcanum. Instead any settlments that are mentioned here belonged to the Oldfront Empire and their current status remains unknown due to the strange conditions of the Farlands.
140 (possible)   Environment Type
Desert   Notable Settlements
Nova Bārēḡwa

The Farlands as Written

While not much has been written about the Farlands in the modern day, there were many recordings of what was there during the Empire. While most of the accounts remain unconfirmed, as with many things of the empire, it is key to understand that even the most faint of story could have a hint of truth to it, producing the start of a picture at what could within the large and violent region these days. If not providing answers, it can give us a better chance to hypothesize without sending everyone into the region to be slaughtered.   One key account, that has been able to be verified over the years, was written by an ancient spiritualist who began their life within the city of Nova Bārēḡwa. With this being the case, it allows us to garner a better understanding to the religion of the region and how this affected the culture. The spiritualists writings were published along with their theories on the afterlife in a book known as Pāramasin, which is an ancient word that means a place of rest. I've taken an excerpt of the book which discusses the journey the spiritualist took across the Farlands and recorded it below.
Upon the dawning of the third day, I noted the large Vorem ahead. Its form seemed to resemble a horse, similar to the one that I was using at the time, yet its constantly strange noting the things that lie beyond the immortal veil, let alone what can be seen directly in front of you. I continued my journey, knowing that the thing would follow behind me regardless of what I did.   It was high noon when I reached my stop for the night, yet even now its always eerie looking back at Vydmain. The people had been affected, as many of us had, by the nature of this place. Except while its normal for an individual to experience one set of symptoms, Vydamin's people were all changed in the same manner. Their eyes buldged, not disimilar from a toad or a frog, but yet they stood upright and their faces just seemed sallow and painful. It wasn't until I reached the centre of the place that I realised how far the transformation could go. Several corpses lined the streets, their forms looked muscular and yet their frames were skin and bones, a set of fangs protruded from the front of their jaws and their eyes seemed to be clouded entirely white as the peace of death waved over them.   The strange part was the scaled linings on their faces and hands, though they seemed to be consistent it was almost as if they'd been damaged in the course of their death, scales chipped and ripped apart. Even stranger still were the jagged cuts that lined their neck, they seemed to be bloodless and held a consistent spacing, similar to a claw dragging down on both sides of the neck. Had the creature who attacked and killed these poor people been trying to grab at their throat? If this were the case, would there not be remnants of blood covering their forms. The strangness continued indeed.

The Strange Effects of an Isolated Place

From the reports I have been given, its clear that the region of the Farlands is extremely dangerous for many individuals, particularly when looking towards the effects that seem to be bestowed unto individuals who wander into its borders. This has led many to believe that the region is under the control of strange and ancient magik which can imbue strange effects based on the force itself. While reports are limited of what form these effects can take, some of the possibilities are reported below.

Physical Transformation

The most eye catching of all the changes, however there are so many possibilities of what this could take that it is often given the moniker of being a Farform. Some major examples of Farforms that have been recorded include the facial features of a person turning upside down, the skin becoming transparent, and growing fur that covers the entire body.

Magikal Infusion

The basis of magikal infusion has always been considered, this happens to be a naturally occuring variant of the process. By infusing someone with magikal potential it is believed that you can enhance the latent magik inside a person. It goes then that there have been reports of maik users who entrered into the Farlands with limited manipulation of the magikal force, and left with a greater level of command of the force.


Considered by some to be a deadly experience, Marivone is alleged to be a magikal transformation that can happen to anyone in the boundary of the Farlands. When transformed the person's form is supposed to change to a silver-like metal skin with any hair turning a vibrant blue. The belief is that Marivone allows a form to become immune to natural diseases and the effects of aging, only able to be terminated as the result of attacks or other such means. However, those who have underwent Marivone and returned often have silver metal grafted to their skin in small patches and while they do not age, they also no longer heal experiencing pain and agony for all eternity, often leading to the bodies being immolated which could either release the spirit to nothing or torment them forever. No one is sure which.

An Explorer's Dream

Many an explorer have proposed expeditions into the region of the Farlands, particularly with the intention of learning about if the strange side effects can be tamed. After The Great War, there were a number of expeditions into the Farlands, most of the people returned and were successful in learning something new. It was however a fated trip organized by Virgil Coremane that led to the Farlands being labelled by both Farrow and Marine as a restricted zone.   During this fated mission, all twelve explorers, professors, and adventurers were able to return however their memories of what occured in the Farlands had become completely irrelevant. Any attempt to access the memories would result in either strange delusions or powerful urges of rage and fear. The still surviving members of the troop recieve constant medical care to hopefully grant any of them a sense of piece.   In my own experience with Virgil, it is clear that something terrible happened within the Farlands but that none of them can remember what occured and if anything what caused it. The one time I got a hint of anything further was in speaking with Virgil. When I asked him about his own studies of the global wars, he seemed to tense up and a flash of blue light entered his eyes. All he spoke was the phrase "twelve soldier boys entered through the veil. Ten soldiers, one corpse, and an imposter returned." Virgil has no memory of the event and these days verbally lashes out at anyone who discusses the trip. However, there are members of Arcanum who are intent on figuring out who is the corpse and who the imposter, for there is a risk that they have nefarious goals that could hurt many people.


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Jul 13, 2023 18:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Mysteries! Creepy, creepy mysteries! D: I think the facial features turning upside down made me the most uncomfortable, until I read what Virgil had said. xD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Aug 9, 2023 14:49 by Olarae & Astaroth Arcaine

Honestly, I loved reading this. A region wracked by strange and unknowable wild magic, I love the impact that ancient shenanigans still have on this location to this days and the absolutely horror it could afflict upon an unwitting traveller venturing into the region. Virgils comments about an imposter returning though, that was chilling, what exactly returned from the Farlands, and how often has this occurred on other expeditions?

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Aug 9, 2023 17:30 by Owen Davies

I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. I'm excited to write more about what happened...

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