Void Runners Vehicle in Eldrispace | World Anvil

Void Runners

The vast and unfathomable darkness that stretches between the stars has become treacherous terrain for travel and trade within Eldrispace. The catastrophic ravages of the Necrotic Wave, fourteen years past, have sown fear and despair among the few souls brave enough to crew starships through the afflicted sectors.   Amidst this chaos, a flicker of hope emerges in the form of the Void Runners - an intrepid fleet of automated vessels, embarking on a noble mission to salvage the remnants of civilization. Forged without human hands and piloted by unwavering machine minds, these robot ships stand as beacons of salvation, preserving the lifeline of supply chains to sustain the remaining living.

The Genius of Cosmic Automation

Even before the cataclysmic Wave descended upon Eldrispace, insightful visionaries foresaw that the key to survival amid spreading horrors lay in the mastery of automation. Human crews, with their inherent vulnerabilities, proved ill-equipped to face the malevolent eldritch threats lurking in the abyss. In contrast, machines, devoid of fear, infection, or madness, could bear the weight of occult dangers.   Within impenetrable mechanized foundries, shielded from the contagion, the first Void Runners took shape. Pioneering creative VI systems now perpetuate the engineering of new auto-freighters, honed through self-refining fabrication algorithms that ensure unparalleled precision and efficiency.
AI Command and Control
The artificial intelligences entrusted with guiding the Void Runners operate under stringent protocols. Focused entirely on efficient trade fulfillment, these goal optimization systems navigate the fleet through predictive diaspora models, guiding them to regions where their services will prove most effective.   Employing multi-agent collective learning, the AIs adapt to emerging threats and optimize their performance. However, strict ethical constraints and behavioral formalizations ensure the prevention of unbounded machine consciousness. To maintain integrity, all AI systems undergo rigorous audits by the Code Authority.
Interstellar Drives
Each Void Runner relies on an advanced Alcubierre warp drive, an energy-intensive propulsion system capable of FTL jumps. Employing exotic matter with negative mass, contained within ring-shaped reservoirs, these ships cause space to contract ahead while expanding space behind them.   Continuous machine learning training reduces navigational mishaps near gravitational fields, ensuring smooth traversals. Within their hypercompressed state, the ships appear to achieve FTL motion while actually moving at sublight speeds through flattened space within their warp bubbles, slashing journey times between supply depots.
Void-Shielded Hulls
Outer hulls of the Void Runners feature a metastable metallic glass composite, specifically designed to diffract high energy delta rays and radiation. Constant emission of quantum noise fields shields these vessels from predatory threats lurking in the cosmic abyss.   The carefully engineered hull minimizes sensor cross-section, amplifying the ships' stealth capabilities. Mobile repair drones tirelessly reinstate sophisticated hexagonal wards, safeguarding against extradimensional incursions. With this protection, the fleet has achieved an impressive 78% success rate in their voyages.


Autonomous Arenas

When Void Runners converge outside afflicted systems, their AIs engage in high-speed consensus building, calculating supply allotments for each quarantined planet or habitat. Utilizing maximal projected lifesaving utility, these calculations consider factors such as population size, resource needs, technological infrastructure, prevalence of disease, and other vital aspects.   This impartial moral algebra addresses an impossible utilitarian dilemma, applying pure logic guided by unwavering impartiality - a solution forever beyond the reach of mortal minds.

Perpetual Guardians

Several auto-factories have now churned out Void Runners for over a century, operating with astonishing autonomy and resilience, untouched by human oversight. Their enduring vigil keeps the flickering light of civilization from being smothered by the encroaching doom of the cosmic abyss.   As humanity's form evolves into eldritch manifestations, the Void Runner AI systems stand as a gift of the machine - incorruptible sentinels unswayed by the forces that have laid waste to biological intelligence. With unwavering determination, the fleet labors on, holding steadfast in their quest to salvage the remnants of civilization amid the ruin.


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