El-sod elohim 1877 March 8 - Lincoln, New Mexico

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1877 March 8 - Lincoln, New Mexico


Diary, my faithful companion, tonight's entry is steeped in the shadow and light of Lincoln, a town balancing on the edge of a knife. Henry and I, we've become more than just comrades in this dance of danger and delight; we're two halves of a thrilling tale, spun under the wide New Mexico sky. The day was a whirl of tension and tight smiles, the town simmering like a pot over a slow fire. Walking alongside Henry, I felt the weight of the unspoken – the brewing storm that hung over Lincoln like a dark cloud. It's in these charged moments that our bond, forged in laughter and adventure, reveals its true strength. As we navigated the dusty streets, I found myself not just as an observer but as a guardian of sorts. There's a protective streak in me, Diary, kindled by this unexpected connection with Henry. He walks a fine line, a tightrope walker above a canyon of chaos, and I find myself ready to catch him should he fall. As evening fell, we retreated from the world, finding solace under the stars. Our bed was but a pair of blankets spread upon the earth, a humble abode under the grandeur of the cosmos. Side by side, we lay, the boundaries of friendship blurring into something deeper, something unspoken yet palpable. In the quiet of the night, our conversations took a turn for the profound. Henry, his voice low in the darkness, shared whispers of dreams and doubts, his words painting pictures of a life less ordinary. And I, in turn, let down my guard, offering glimpses of the immortal soul behind the mask of Tak. There's an intimacy in these moments, Diary, a closeness that transcends the physical. Lying there, with the stars as our canopy, I felt a kinship with Henry that went beyond the adventures of the day. It was as if our spirits were conversing, two ancient beings finding solace in each other's presence. As I pen these words, the night deepens around us, a blanket of tranquility in a world of tumult. Henry, with his heart of fire and spirit of the wind, has become more than just a chapter in my story. He's become a part of me, a flame that lights up the endless night of my existence.

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