El-sod elohim 1877 March 6 - Lincoln, New Mexico

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1877 March 6 - Lincoln, New Mexico


Hey there, my trusty Diary! What a whirlwind of a day it's been, bustling through Lincoln with Henry, stirring up a storm of mischief and laughter wherever we roam. This town, it's a labyrinth of stories and secrets, and we're right at the heart of it, living our own legend. Today was all about the unexpected joys of life. Henry and I, we're like two peas in a pod, finding excitement in the simplest things. We wandered the streets, mingling with the locals, each turn bringing a new surprise. It's incredible, being just a face in the crowd, yet knowing the cosmos of secrets I carry within. Our adventure took a turn for the thrilling when we stumbled upon a local horse race. The energy, the spirit of competition – it was palpable, like electricity in the air. Henry, with his roguish grin, nudged me to join. "Come on, Tak," he said, his eyes dancing with challenge. "Let's show these folks how it's done." Ah, but Diary, I had to play it cool, can't be showing off my godly prowess now, can I? So, I rode like a mortal, but oh, the rush! We were in it, side by side, our horses thundering down the track, the crowd's cheers ringing in our ears. After the race, Henry and I shared a moment, our laughter echoing under the wide New Mexico sky. "You're not half bad, Tak," he teased, his arm slung around my shoulder in a comrade's embrace. "For a traveler, you sure know how to ride." And that's the thing about Henry – he's got this way of drawing out the best in people, of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary. He's a whirlwind, and I'm happily caught in his gust. As the day wound down, our spirits remained high, buoyed by the day's escapades and the camaraderie that's grown between us. There's a bond here, something deep and real. It's a connection forged in the fires of adventure and solidified in the quiet moments of understanding. So, as I lay here, recounting the day's adventures, I can't help but feel a sense of wonder at this journey I'm on. Henry, with his boundless energy and indomitable spirit, has become more than just a fellow traveler. He's a friend, a confidant, a kindred spirit in this wild dance of life.

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