Hedfan Spell in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Hedfan (HED-van)


With the world spread out beneath them like a tapestry of living art, the gods soar through the heavens, invisible and unfettered. This power of flight is their freedom, a silent passage through the skies that carries them above the reach of mortal hands and eyes. In the embrace of the clouds, they are untouchable, the watchers of the world, whose presence is as unfelt as the whisper of the wind against the cheek of the earth.


Invisible to the eye, they move with the grace of the breeze, a silent force that bends not to the earthly bounds. Their flight is a marvel of the divine, a seamless glide through the ether that speaks of a world beyond the grasp of mortal ken.
Applied Restriction
Yet, even in this boundless freedom, they are tethered to the veil of secrecy. Invisible they must remain, for their flight is not for the eyes of the earthly realm. It is a power held close, used with caution to navigate the spaces between worlds, ensuring their passage through the skies leaves no trace, no shadow to mar the blue canvas above.

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