Dwrlywio Spell in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Dwrlywio (DWUR-luh-wee-oh)


Dwrlywio bestows the rare gift of communion with water, in all its forms, from the deepest ocean to the smallest droplet of dew. This ability grants the power to guide and shape water, calling it forth in times of need or calming its fury when it threatens to overwhelm. It is a dance between the wielder and the essence of life itself, ensuring that water, the source of all life, serves to nourish and protect, flowing freely and abundantly to sustain the land and its inhabitants.
Applied Restriction
The sacred bond with water demands a profound understanding of balance and restraint. This power is wielded with a deep commitment to preserving the natural cycle of water, ensuring that its manipulation never leads to drought, flood, or imbalance. The steward of this gift acts in harmony with the environment, using their abilities only to support life and the health of the planet, never exploiting or hoarding this precious resource.

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