Ahura Mazda Character in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Ahura Mazda (ah-HOO-rah MAHZ-dah)

Persian Deity

Ahura Mazda, embodying the quintessence of light and wisdom, reigns with an aura of sublime dignity. As a timeless guardian of truth and cosmic order, his presence is both awe-inspiring and comforting. His ethereal form, often perceived as a radiant figure enveloped in a cloak of shimmering stars, symbolizes the eternal struggle between light and darkness. He guides souls along the path of righteousness, his voice a harmonious blend of authority and compassion. In realms beyond mortal comprehension, Ahura Mazda orchestrates the celestial symphony, balancing the forces of creation and entropy. His eyes, pools of infinite knowledge, reflect the unfolding stories of countless galaxies. In moments of tranquility, he contemplates the mysteries of existence, his thoughts weaving through the fabric of reality like golden threads of enlightenment. Ahura Mazda's wisdom is not just a beacon for those seeking moral clarity; it is the foundational pillar of a universe striving towards harmony.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Often depicted as an immense figure exuding divine wisdom, with a powerful yet benevolent presence.
550 BCE 330 BCE 220 years old

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