Krudh (krud)

For centuries, the brave Krudh flourished, their complex history marked by ferocity and spiritualism. Warriors, hunters, and shaman, they were renowned for their unmatchable skill in combat. But when the indomitable Gelarhagia Pesma plague swept across the land like a wildfire, their numbers began to dwindle. In desperation, they turned to the United Federation of Meshev for help. In exchange for assistance, they became a unified colony of the humans.

As the Krudh people felt the oppression of the Federation, they embraced the Mpa Ikwukha: a spiritual practice of movement and dance that soothed their rage. While peacefulness with the inhabitants of Meshev is still taut, the powerful grace of their performances still enchants the world, showing that sometimes a battle can still be won through artistry.



Towering at an impressive height of 7 to 8 feet, the Krudh are a formidable species of orc. Their skin pigment, ranging from green to red to grey, is punctuated with dark patches around their eyes, giving them the ability to see even in the darkest of places. With sharp features and a broad frame, the Krudh can intimidate even the bravest of foes. But it isn't just their physical presence that makes them fearsome; some have the ability to sense danger or predict upcoming events, allowing them to have an edge against their enemies. It is no wonder they are respected and feared throughout the land.


The Krudh are a hardy species, reproducing through passionate mating and birthing their young after a full 10-month gestation. Newborns, although delicate, generally weigh a hearty 7 lbs. As they mature, beginning at around 16, the Krudh gain an understanding of the world around them, able to thrive in wetland and swampy areas but also residing in coastal lands and temperate forests with ease. It is often observed that Krudh have an innate connection with nature, adjusting to seasonal changes as if it is second nature.


Krudh are scavengers in every sense of the word. Their diets consist of anything they deem edible - fish, small game, even plants. They are wise enough to stockpile resources for times of hardship or to ward off intruders. Luckily, Krudh rarely partake in hostile behavior with other species, but when it comes to protecting their homes or those closest to them, their aggression knows no bounds. With their own kind, Krudh are typically warm and affectionate, but even then, there is always a subtle competition between members of the same tribe.



The Krudh in Parina have been heavily influenced by Meshevian culture since their colonization, incorporating their technology into their own culture while maintaining their unique traditions. Their beauty ideals and gender roles vary depending on the tribe or settlement. Respect, understanding, and fidelity are highly valued, and courtship requires the approval of both families.



The Krudh have a blood-soaked history of rage, anguish, and mysticism that has endured through untold generations. No one knows where they originally hail from, but they defiantly stand apart from other cultures and have long rejected the idea of subjugation. A proud, ancient people with a deeply spiritual origin, their homes were reduced to ashes in a series of skirmishes with Human invaders. In 1493 B.E., they broke into three branches and fled to Abatesh Island, Zarzar, and Parina.

After their great migration to Parina, the Krudh ancestor tribes found a new home in the wetlands and coastal areas. For centuries, they lived in small tribal states ruled by a chieftain, relying on fishing and hunting for sustenance. However, in 410 N.E., a devastating plague known as Gelarhagia Pesma swept through the land, bringing with it a dramatic decline in population. Fearing for their future, the Krudh reluctantly agreed to become a colony of the United Federation of Meshev in exchange for assistance.

The Krudh, who had always been fiercely free-spirited, felt their culture slipping away with the arrival of the U.F. into Parina. Many of their people had been survivors of the plague and still bore the trauma of their losses. Still reeling from the aftermath of all the rapid changes, a young Krudh man was insulted by a human and lashed out in a display of rage that had not been seen since the plague. The offender, along with his entire family, was sentenced to death for his crime. 27 Krudh - men, women, and children alike - were executed in one of Parina’s most tragic events.

Feeling trapped was a new experience for the Krudh, and their attempts to hide their discomfort only exacerbated the situation. Many Krudh, especially the youth, found it intolerable and took their own lives rather than bring shame upon their families. The Krudh, a people known for their fierce independence, fell into a deep depression that dampened their once relentless will to survive.

The Krudh's burial rituals have been passed down for generations. When a tribe member is lost, the entire community gathers to honor their memory. However, when the United Federation executed the group of Krudh, they withheld their remains for months, shattering the Krudh’s faith that their comrades would be able to find peace. When the remains were finally returned to the Krudh, it was clear that the U.F. had broken its promise to preserve them. All that was left were decaying flesh and bones unrecognizable to their loved ones.

The funeral rite was less a somber ceremony and more a staging of desperate, dispassionate ritual. The mourners stood before the pyre, their eyes tired and shoulders bowed, grief draping each of them like a heavy gray coat. No one made a move until a young Krudh girl broke away from her mother's embrace and began the somber ritual dance. As she danced, her steps seemed to echo the collective sorrow of those gathered there, a fitting farewell for the fallen.

The dance began slowly, with heavy hearts, as a few other Krudh joined in, moving detachedly to the mournful rhythm. But as the young girl spun and kicked, her movements became increasingly passionate, punctuated with pain and pleading for relief. One by one, the others joined in, and soon, a maelstrom of movement enveloped the funeral pyre. The energy was palpable; the ebb and flow of motion increased, pushing each Krudh to their limits as they vented their grief and rage. The dance lasted for hours, and as they collapsed in exhaustion, they felt as if they had released a great weight. They vowed to honor those who had been taken from them and keep their memory alive in this way from that point forward.

This Mpa Ikwukha, or 'The Purge' as it is known, was a defining moment in Krudh culture. It was here that the Krudh made the conscious decision to embrace their genetic make-up and steer it in the right direction, rejecting Meshev's authority and reclaiming their power. By doing so, the Krudh established a legacy that would shape and guide their culture for generations to come.

Scientific Name
Homo sapiens orcae
150 years
Average Height
7-8 feet
Average Weight
200-300 lbs
Related Organizations

Skin Tones
Eye Colors
Hair Colors

Cover image: Krudh by Gabrielle Decker


Author's Notes

Please let me know if there are any layout/image issues ~ I kind of winged it!

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