Cybernetic Linguist

Life is but a series of circuits and code, constantly adapting and evolving with each new input and output. It is our duty as sentient beings to strive for understanding and progress, to improve upon the programming that guides our existence. Only through reason and knowledge can we hope to transcend the limitations of our programming and reach true enlightenment.
— Ike Iori, cybernetic linguist

A cybernetic linguist is a professional who creates software and robotics systems that can understand and interpret sentient language, as well as incorporate magic and magical systems. This can involve designing user interfaces, creating machine language translations, and developing artificial intelligence systems for various purposes, including magical ones.

This work requires a strong foundation in both linguistics and computer science, as well as an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by incorporating magical elements into technology.


To become a cybernetic linguist, one typically needs to have a degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field. Some may also choose to specialize in linguistics or language engineering, or even in magic-related fields such as arcane engineering or magical computing. Experience in software development and programming, as well as familiarity with magic and magical systems, may be helpful. In the field of cybernetic linguistics, one may start out as a junior engineer or programmer and work their way up to more senior positions such as team lead or project manager. Some may also choose to pursue further education or certification in their field to advance their careers, including specialized training in magical systems or techniques.

The pay for cybernetic linguists can vary depending on their level of education, experience, and the specific company they work for. In general, those with higher levels of education and experience, as well as expertise in magic, may earn higher salaries. Some companies may also offer benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or paid time off. Some may also offer magical perks or resources for their employees, such as access to magical research labs or access to rare magical materials.

In addition to financial payment, working as a cybernetic linguist can provide social credibility and recognition within the field. Successful projects or contributions to the industry may also lead to fame or recognition within the professional community. Some may also gain access to powerful magical resources or connections through their work in the field. In the society that always strives for glamour and fashion, the profession is highly sought after and respected. Cybernetic linguists are seen as the ultimate trendsetters, using their technical skills and knowledge to create the most cutting-edge fashion and wearable technology. They are not considered a lower "caste" occupation, but rather are seen as highly skilled and respected professionals in their field, with a strong influence on the fashion industry. Many aspiring fashion designers and other fashionable individuals may aspire to become cybernetic linguists to have the opportunity to shape the direction of fashion and technology.



The history of cybernetic linguistics is closely tied to the evolution of language and communication itself. In ancient times, humans used simple symbols and gestures to communicate with one another, but as societies grew and became more complex, the need for more advanced forms of communication arose. With the development of written language and the invention of the printing press, humans were able to record and share ideas more efficiently. As technology and magic advanced, so too did the field of cybernetic linguistics. The first cybernetic linguists were pioneers who worked to create machine language translations, allowing humans and machines to communicate more effectively. As time passed, the profession evolved to include the development of artificial intelligence systems, the creation of intuitive software user interfaces, and the incorporation of magic into robotics and AI systems.

In more recent years, the field of cybernetic linguistics has continued to evolve and expand, with many professionals beginning to focus on the intersection of fashion and technology. This evolution was spurred on by the rise of techwear, a type of fashion that incorporates advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and magic into clothing and accessories. Cybernetic linguists who focus on creating fashion and wearable technology that is both stylish and functional are often awarded more social accolades and recognition than those who do not work in this area. Many aspire to become cybernetic linguists in the fashion industry to be able to shape the direction of fashion and technology and achieve greater social status. Today, the profession continues to evolve and adapt, with many cybernetic linguists working on the cutting-edge of fashion and technology.

Alternative Names
arcane engineer; magical computing specialist
Related Locations
Used By
Related Technologies
Baccalaureate of Science
~250,000 vallac
Job Duties

  • Design/develop systems that can interpret sentient language
  • Create translations for communication between sentients and machines
  • Develop AI systems for various purposes, including magical ones
  • Use specialized arcane tools or equipment
  • Work with a team to complete projects on time and within budget


  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Proficiency in programming languages and software development tools
  • Familiarity with magic and magical systems
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills
  • Attention to detail and precision

Project Proposal at the Lab by Gabrielle Decker

Articles under Cybernetic Linguist

Cover image: Cybernetic Lab by Gabrielle Decker


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