Crux Dynamico, a company that offers extensive police contracting services to cities, is the manufacturer and producer of the advanced robotic units known as PALADINs. These highly efficient and effective units are equipped with the latest in AI and robotics technology, advanced weaponry, and state-of-the-art technology, enabling them to act autonomously, execute orders accurately, identify and capture criminals quickly, and adapt to a range of environments, including extreme conditions such as underwater. Originally developed as a solution to high crime rates in the nation of Meshev, the PALADINs have been successful in reducing crime and are now used in a variety of police and security roles around the world. Built using advanced manufacturing techniques and materials such as 3D printing and advanced alloys, the PALADINs are known for their impressive capabilities and durability.

Evelynn, a cybernetic linguist at Crux Dynamico, played a crucial role in the development of the PALADINs and was recognized with a nomination for a Drake Award for her innovative software interface for the units' artificial intelligence. Lukius Rischer, the CEO of Crux Dynamico and director of its MagiTech division, also contributed to the PALADINs with the development of the Numen Nullifier technology. Designed to help suppress out-of-control magic in individuals with Rampant Numen Fluctuations, the technology was leaked and went viral, leading stakeholders at Crux Dynamico to demand its incorporation into the PALADINs. Despite his initial reservations, Rischer was forced to oblige the stakeholders and incorporate the Numen Nullifier technology into the units.

Legal Implications

As the use of PALADINs becomes more widespread, concerns about their potential to infringe on civil liberties has begun to surface. Despite their impressive efficiency in maintaining law and order, some fear that the units' autonomy and advanced technology could lead to abuse of power.

One particular incident sparked outrage and led to a legal implication against the use of PALADINs.According to eyewitnesses, a PALADIN unit was responding to a reported bomb threat at a local mall when it encountered a group of teenagers. Despite the fact that the teens were unarmed and posed no immediate threat, the PALADIN unit responded with excessive force, using its taser batons and sonic disruptors to subdue the group. Several of the teens were left with serious injuries, and all of them were arrested and taken into custody without being properly identified or read their rights.

The incident was caught on camera and quickly went viral, sparking widespread outrage and calls for accountability. Several advocacy groups and legal organizations joined forces to file a lawsuit against the city and Crux Dynamico.

The trial was highly publicized and attracted attention from around the world. Lawyers for the plaintiffs argued that the PALADINs represented a clear threat to civil liberties and that their use should be strictly regulated. Crux Dynamico and the city, however, argued that the incident was an isolated one and that the PALADINs had been a critical tool in reducing crime and maintaining law and order.

In the end, the court ruled in favor of Crux Dynamico and the city, stating that the incident was an unfortunate but isolated one and that the use of PALADINs was necessary for the safety and security of the community. The ruling was a major victory for Crux Dynamico and the city, which had long been supporters of the use of advanced technology in law enforcement. The case sparked a global conversation about the appropriate use of such technology, with many arguing that the benefits far outweighed the potential risks. For others, it has raised serious questions about the potential risks and consequences of relying on such technology.


In the Media

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Released By: Crux Dynamico

Model: PD-1

PALADIN PD-1s are the latest law enforcement technology. Standing at a formidable 2.13 meters tall, these autonomous units are equipped with high-grade titanium alloy armor for maximum protection. They are armed with a variety of non-lethal weapons, including sonic disruptors and taser batons, as well as tear gas grenades for crowd control.

In addition to their physical capabilities, PALADINs are equipped with advanced AI technology and hyper-spectral vision, which allows them to quickly identify and apprehend suspects. Their AI technology also enables them to track biometric data, making it impossible for suspects to evade capture. The PALADINs also have built-in communication systems, enabling them to coordinate with other units and human law enforcement officers.

The PALADINs have thermal, panoramic, and night-vision surveillance capabilities, which can be broadcast via the Veil when used remotely. They also have high-definition cameras and long-range loudspeakers, enabling them to monitor and communicate with suspects from a distance. The PALADINs are also capable of underwater maneuvering, and their boosted propulsion systems allow them to jump to heights of up to 3.35 meters.

In addition to their advanced surveillance capabilities, the PALADINs can understand all languages registered in the server that runs the Adaptive Linguistics Cell. This allows them to communicate with and apprehend suspects from a variety of linguistic backgrounds. The PALADINs also have self-regulating electrical and resource systems, allowing them to operate continuously without the need for regular maintenance.

The PALADINs are equipped with autonomous control systems, enabling them to operate without human intervention. This can be useful for patrols and pursuit situations. Finally, the PALADINs have bomb detection capabilities, enabling them to identify and safely dispose of explosive devices.

Overall, the PALADIN PD-1 is a highly advanced law enforcement tool that is sure to help keep the peace in Meshev and any other nation that has contracted PALADIN fleets. Their advanced AI technology and surveillance capabilities make them an effective tool for tracking and apprehending suspects, while their non-lethal weapons and crowd control capabilities ensure the safety of both the PALADINs and the public. The PALADIN's ability to operate autonomously and understand multiple languages makes them a versatile and efficient force for law enforcement.

Crux Dynamico Logo


Released By: Crux Dynamico

Model: PM-1

The PALADIN PM-1 is a military-grade model designed for maximum destruction. Standing at 2.13 meters tall and equipped with carbon fiber reinforced polymer armor, the PM-1 is capable of withstanding even the most intense combat situations. In addition to its armor, the PM-1 is equipped with laser rifles and rocket launchers, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.

Like the PD-1 model, the PM-1 is equipped with advanced AI technology and hyper-spectral vision, allowing it to quickly identify and eliminate enemy targets. It also has biometric tracking capabilities, making it impossible for enemies to evade capture. The PM-1 is also equipped with hand-to-hand combat capabilities, allowing it to engage in close-quarters combat if necessary.

In addition to its combat capabilities, the PM-1 is equipped with thermal, panoramic, and night-vision surveillance capabilities, which can be broadcast via the Veil when used remotely. It also has high-definition cameras and long-range loudspeakers, allowing it to communicate with and direct friendly forces on the battlefield. The PM-1 is also capable of underwater maneuvering and has boosted propulsion systems that allow it to jump to heights of up to 3.35 meters.

It is also equipped with Numen Nullifier technology, allowing it to neutralize enemy combatants with dangerous levels of Rampant Numen Fluctuations without endangering friendly forces.

The PM-1 can understand all languages registered in the same server that runs the Adaptive Linguistics Cell, allowing it to communicate and coordinate with forces from a variety of linguistic backgrounds. It also has self-regulating electrical and resource systems, allowing it to operate continuously without the need for regular maintenance. In addition, the PM-1 has autonomous control systems, allowing it to operate without human intervention. Finally, it is equipped with bomb detection capabilities, allowing it to identify and safely dispose of explosive devices on the battlefield.

Overall, the PALADIN PM-1 is a highly advanced military tool designed for maximum efficiency and destruction. With its advanced AI technology, weapons, and surveillance capabilities, the PM-1 is sure to be a formidable force on the battlefield.


The PALADINs are highly advanced, intelligent machines that are capable of complex tasks and adaptability. They are equipped with advanced AI technology, robotics, and weaponry, as well as state-of-the-art sensors, armor, and communication systems. These various components and technologies work together to provide the PALADINs with their impressive capabilities.

The PALADINs, as you know, are responding nicely to the new systems we've implemented through their main databases. The crime rate is already on the decline, but these additional upgrades will bring it even lower.
— Bentlae Worthyngton, From Man to Monster

Model Comparison


Cover image: PALADIN Patrol Unit by Gabrielle Decker


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