Optimo - The Protector of the Datastream Myth in Ecosys | World Anvil

Optimo - The Protector of the Datastream

Optimo is a fictional Digi-Comic Book character who eats Spudleaf to gain the Vitamin D (a.k.a. Vitamin Data) from this vegetable. The heroes aim is to optimise the world's Datastream and to defeat all Bugs, Glitches and Viruses. However, Optimo must do this whilst fighting his rival, General Error and his sidekick, Kernel Code.   Optimo is created by Betastone Animations to help encourage children to eat Spudleaf, as this vegatable is a key source of Vitamin D. Ulrik Elisson is the lead author and illustrator for Optimo.  
"It saddens me kids these days are not taught the values of nutrition and maintaining a healthy diet"
Ulrik Elisson at an interview

Hero Emulation

Parents across Eco One use Optimo to encourage children to eat Spudleaf; often with great success. Ulrik Elisson states Optimo is a great way of "reaching out to our children." Since the release of the first Digi-Comic Book series, Optimo vs The Blue Screen of Death there has been a rise of Vitamin intake for younger Residents.  

Reward vs Punishment

"The lessons Optimo is trying to teach, is to discourage poor behaviour by focusing and encouraging good behaviour"
Ulrik Elisson
  The Ecosys Parentology Advice Group have stated countless of times the benefits of rewarding children of good behaviour is better than punishing the bad. Optimo assists parents by teaching the values of eating Spudleaf for Vitamin D, whilst relating to them with their TechSpeak language to communicate with the devices Optimo encounters.

Cover image: by Heffé


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