Spudleaf Species in Ecosys | World Anvil


The Spudleaf is one of Ecosys' creations. Our expert Biologists have researched and discovered methodologies to create plants which are naturally fortified with nutrients of their choosing. The Spudleaf is naturally fortified with Vitamin D. This plant has also been cultivated to grow quickly. However, in order to speed up the growing process, Spudleaves are most efficiently cultivated in a specialised hydroponic chamber.  

Growth and Cultivation

The most efficient way to grow Spudleaves is to use a specialised hydroponic chamber. Spudleaves grow from a vine-like stem. These stems must be supported

Phases of growth

Just like a Potato plant, the growth of a Spudleaf is divided into five phases: # Sprouts emerge from the seed, as the root begins to grow. # Vine-like stems and leaves begin to grow, therefore photosynthesis begins too. # Stolons begin to form, which then Tubers are formed. # Tubers begin to bulk, storing the nutrients required for new Tubers. This phase is the factors of soil quality and pest control become important factors for acquiring a good yield. It is also at this stage the leaves are ready to be harvested, however, to maintain the growth of the Tubers, some leaves must be left behind as the leaves are a key component for gathering nutrients. # Tubers reach maturity and its skin hardens as the natural sugars convert to starches. The plant's Vitamin D is still stored within the harden skin but depletes as the Tubers mature further until it's death.   It is possible, and safe, to harvest some Tubers at the 4th phase. These younger tubers are edible, but they can also be used for replanting as Spudleaf Seeds. It is also at this phase Vitamin D is absorbed by the leaves and stored within the developing skin of the Tuber and upon the leaves.  



The Spudleaf contains 2 edible components, the leaves and the Tubers; which people refer to as the Lettuce and Potatoes of the plant. Each component is highly nutritious and is versatile ingredients for various meals. So you are able to eat healthily, and without wasting anything.


The leaves are also good for giving off Oxygen (O2), which flows throughout Eco One ensuring you have fresh air no matter where you are.

Spudleaf Thread

Fibres can also be extracted from the stems of the leaves, which can be weaved together to create Spudleaf Thread.
Ecosys Placeholder Image by Heffé

Articles under Spudleaf

Cover image: by Heffé


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