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Aboard the Aspire Ecosys are proud to house Residents of many cultures and subcultures. One of which are what many Residents refer to as, Nova-Tech. One aspect of this subculture is their TechSpeak, which is a collection of technology related idioms; such as, "that is tech!" and "Byte me!"

TechSpeak is under a similar category of the historical Cockney Rhyming slang, a common collection of idioms some 21st British subcultures; which a few Residents still use today. Even though the phrases of TechSpeak do not necessarily rhyme, they are similar as TechSpeak uses a computer and electronic terms to replace or mimic phrases.
Stomach equals empty. Goto fridge. Get food.
— Translation: I am hungry, so I will go to the fridge and get something to eat
404 data not found
— Translation: I do not know. Can be shortened to 404.

Much of TechSpeak mimics the traditional Computer Programming languages in their logical formats and terminology. References to any computer or technology are also considered as TechSpeak; even the usage of using 21st century text-messaging abbreviations, such as; LOL, AFK, or IMO.
Common Phrases
One or TrueYes or Positive; to agree
Zero or FalseNo or Negative; to disagree
NullNothing, boredom or, to be insulting, stupidity
LoadingI am thinking
Kick/banRemove, or to be asked/told leave a group or premesis.
A Equals BSubjects are equvilent, or the previous subject is the next (A equals B)
A is greater thanBPrevious subject is to be more/better in quantity/quality than the next (A is greater than B)
A less than BPrevious subject is to be less/lower in quantity/quality than the next (A is greater than B)
Get A?To ask for information about a subject, for example "What is your name?" would be "Get name?"

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Cover image: by Heffé


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