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Nomad Stone

Pfin suspects it may be a Nomad Stone. If he's right, he says it is exactly the sort of magic that can be used for travel. With the right enchantment, or maybe technology, we may be able to access its power despite none of us being Nomad Speakers.

This may well be our key to getting home.
— Excerpt from Belnë's Journal


Contained freedom

Discovered by Rudeskan vena in a time when many had given up hope of ever returning to Neyush after the Blink dumped them on Rudeska, the Nomad Stone is an incredibly rare and powerful manifestation of the Sphere of the Nomad itself in the physical world.

Oh, Oobee doo

Most vena on Neyush find themselves with a stronger link to the Hand than any other Sphere, and those on Rudeska have been developing a stronger and stronger innate connection to the Absent (either a reason for or a result of the spectres' stealthy hit-and-run tactics, depending on who you ask).

Artifacts like the Nomad Stone only normally respond to consciousnesses linked to same Sphere from which they came. With no Nomad Conduits around, and no-one to teach anyone to be a Nomad Speaker, the spectres had to get inventive.

Extraplanar Fossil Fuel

By chipping small chunks of the Stone and using them to fuel Nomad Teleporters invented by the spectre Pfin, spectres are able to temporarily harness the power of the Nomad to teleport between Neyush and Rudeska. Exciting news for a people who thought they were stranded far from home.

Unfortunately, the nature by which the power is accessed--and due to the inherintly chaotic nature of the Nomad, AKA the Sphere of Freedom-- means that journeys like this are temporary, only lasting a few hours, and single-use; each boomerang trip destroys the shard currently in the teleporter. And the Nomad Stone won't last forever...

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