Nomad Teleporter Technology / Science in Drake's Dozen | World Anvil
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Nomad Teleporter

AKA Chirkemev / ˈʧɪɾ.kɛ.mev/ (lit. "far-away carrier")

An impressive feat of cross-planar engineering, chirkemev are devices created with magic that harness the Nomad to allow temporary teleportation between Rudeska and Neyush.



After the Blink, many vena found themselves on Rudeska. Those who survived long enough to start a new life quickly began experimenting with ways to get back home.

Although chirkemev only allow the user to travel to Neyush temporarily before being pulled back to Rudeska, they are currently the only known form of inter-planetary travel.


Neyush was first made aware of chirkemev teleporters during the 8-day War. In fact, the use of one was what allowed the instigating assassination to happen.

It also brought to public knowledge the existence of the Spectres, and increased support for certain conspiracy theories regarding the Blink.



When activated, the user is instantly transported to Neyush, specifically just outside Yenagun. The act of using a crystal in this way with magic from another plane causes the crystal to start breaking down.

The user MUST activate the device a second time in order to travel back to Rudeska. Waiting for the crystal to break down completely causes an uncontrolled release of Nomad energy that sends the user to the Sulfuric Glacier. As an extraplanar location not suited to physical beings, this is almost always a death sentence.

Secret Tech

So far, the secret to making chirkemev with Absent magic is known only to the Rudeskan Vena. Further, they are powered by a shard of Nomad crystal, which they use up with each use.

These two factors mean that only spectres (specifically those spectres chosen by Salzha) have access to them.

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