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The Missing Shadow

And the guileful Kitsat was punished by the Drake to be a shadow upon the Sun itself, that he might serve a purpose and help us to measure our years.

Should the day come when Kitsat crosses not the light bestowed upon us by the Drake, his shadow will instead bear upon us, and herald the end of days.
— Excerpt from the Regik


So the story goes

In tilken mythology, Kitsat was a powerful figure who tried to defy the Drake, who manifests in the physical world as the sun itself, giving life and energy to everyone. As punishment for this defiance, Kitsat was cursed to run back and forth across the sky, under the constant watch of the Drake.

If Kitsat ever fails to cross the sun, it means he has found a way to break free of the Drake's power, and marks the start of the apocalypse in the Regik.

Real World

Kitsat is actually a huge, gaseous planet that orbits the sun at incredible--but stable--speeds. If it ever failed to cross the sun, it would mean that it had broken free of its orbit.

This would indeed be a rather bad herald, so the myth holds some truth to it.

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