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The 13th Rotation


Speedy Giant

From the perspective of Neyush, the enormous Kitsat crosses the sun thirteen times every year. The 13th Rotation marks the end of another year, and most tilken calendars have a space for tracking the 13 rotations that is visible on every page.

Many people posit that the fact that it crosses the sun 13 times exactly each year is proof of the veracity of the Dozen as a religion.

Just keep spinning

In tilken mythology, Kitsat is a trickster figure who was punished by the Drake and trapped in an endless loop to help tilkens measure the years. The absence of Kitsat from one of these crossings heralds the apocalypse in an event known as the Missing Shadow.

Celebrate good times

Throughout the year, families gather in prayer to the Drake, thanking Her for Her continued gift of light and life upon the world, while also praying that She keep Kitsat contained.

On the night of the 13th Rotation, there are huge street parties. People gather in the streets and watch the sky in expectation, having worked together on feasts and big community events in preparation. As soon as Kitsat is witnessed moving in front of the sun, feasts and music and dancing start up.

Now you see me

Some of the more conservative observers of this tradition spend thirteen minutes with a blindfold over their eyes from the moment they first see Kitsat. One minute for each god, spent in prayer and contemplation. This practice has grown much less common over time, however.

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