Salian Order Military Formation in Dragons of Night | World Anvil

Salian Order

The Salian Order or Salii are an elite force dedicated to the preservation of the magical world, but that it not how they started. As the closest thing to a standing military in the Aernadael Commonwealth, the order is the primary line of defense for the commonwealth even though they are technically only assigned to patrol the borders and protect the wilds.

The Salian Oath

In full accord with our Covenant with the Giants, I, (Name), do swear to well and truly serve our Commonwealth of Aernadael (and the lands of Vinland( in the Office of Prefect of the Salian Order at (Blackwood Abbey), and will do right, without fear or favor, affection or ill will.   I will bring no dishonor on my sacred arms, order, or realm, never abandoning my comrade or any in need, defending the rights of all beings, opposing any who seek to destroy or do harm.   I will stand alone and with the help of all. May the blood of Qingu (in my veins), the giants, and the spirits witness this oath.

In Vinland

The National Collegium Salii is in 1692



The exact number of Salians in the commonwealth is considered a state secret. Each county is responsible for fielding their own garrison and to use them to maintain the wild and the secrecy of Aernadael.   Rumors persist that the two traditional orders of Sailians have split into a uniformed and a plainclothes secret service, but this has never been verified.


The Ancile (plural ancilia) is the most conspicuous piece of equipment carried by all members of the order. Originally a full body shield shaped like a rounded rectangle with a semicircular cutouts on either side, the ancile is now a talisman worn on the dominate wrist of the member. While it is renown for the defensive magic built into it, the ancile also operates as focus its assign ward to magnify and augment their spells, charms, and hexes.


The Salians possess a wide assortment of airships and cars specially modified to aide their work.


Founding of the Salians

  While there are varying versions of the origin of the Order, most of the events are held in common among them. The main point of contention is the motivation behind their founding.   We know they were founded in the 9th century BCE and possessed many features they retain to this day. They were founded in the Etruscan city state of Veii, either by King Morrius or by a Fae named Maris who may have ruled over the city state at the time. Much ink has been spilled over whether King Morrius is a real person or a figure created to conform their origin to their later operations. In either event, Maris founded the Salians as a guardian order to protect the city of Veii, and became the patron of their craft.   The type and style of magic the Salians employ is Fae in origin on account of its reliance on threaded magic. In the most commonly accepted version of their origins, Maris called up a force to protect the land from Greek invaders to their east. While provision was eventually reached to allow the settlement of the colonies of Magna Graecia, a bitter rivalry broke out between Maris and Enyalios Areios, son of the elder Ares.   The Salian Order was founded to protect from future aggression from Magna Graecia.   Maris and the Salian Order aided in the founding of Rome in 752 BCE, when he helped his ward Romulus achieve victory over his brother Remus, who fled south across the sea. Maris helped Romulus govern and advised him upon his Ascension in 716 BCE to leave the throne and install his revenants as Kings in his stead.   In 715 BCE, Maris inducted Numa Pompilius, the Second King of Rome into the Order. He founded the suborder of the Salii Palatini, and served Maris directly under the name of Gradivus. Their temple and headquarters was established on the Palatine Hill.   Under the reign of Tullus Hostilius, the Third King of Rome, in 670 BCE, The Collegium Salii to atone for the war he waged against Fidenae and Veii. In return, the Etruscan city states joined Rome, and the College would chose twelve Patricians to serve Quirinus, the name Romulus assumed after his "deification." Their headquarters and temple was constructed on the Quirinal Hill.   Enyalios eventually challenged Maris to personal combat, and in his victory Maris slew Enyalios.   According to the most popular version of the story, after slaying Enyalios Areios, Maris took his enchanted shield to use for his own. When Ares learned of his sons death, he traveled to Veii to challenge Maris to a duel to get his son's shield back. The two elders fought for 23 days and 23 nights starting on March 1, 627 BCE. On March 24th, Maris achieved victory by striking a mortal blow against Ares who fled the battle field.   This Battle is commemorated by the Salians every year from March 1st to the 24th with feasts and games.   The order spread to Tibur and Tusculum by 509 BCE.  

In the Age of Night

The Salian Order declared neutrality when Nyx came to power in 284 CE.   By the Second Century CE, an order of Saliae Virgines, or Salian Virgins was formed, consisting of unbound and Transgender Women who served the College of Pontiffs, and performed sacrifices in the Regia.   Most of the Salian Order had relocated to their secret temple in Ravenna by 402 CE, and abandoned the city of Rome and their oaths to the empire.  

In the Age of the Giants

  The Order joined the covenant of the Giants in 582 CE, but sword their service to the land of Aernadael rather than the throne.

Historical loyalties

The Oath of the Salian Order has resisted modification over the years. It mentions the blood of Qingu, who all drymenn at the time claimed descent from. This wasn't so much a declaration of loyalty so much as a statement of solidarity with all practitioners of magic including the elders.
823 BCE


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