Wastes Climes Geographic Location in Down Shift | World Anvil

Wastes Climes

Wastes Desolate regions are abandoned because of disease, destruction, and decay. Ironically suited to preserve and protect that which is virtually indestructible, not much can survive long in such regions. Enter the Wastes only when you have prepared and equipped for the traverse, or when you are left no other alternatives.

The Badlands

Rough and difficult terrain, covered with chaparral and brambles, the rumors of extensive wealth in natural resources beckons the adventurer and the disenfranchised equally. Not particularly passable by the traditional transport means, and definitely not friendly to the technologically dependent, there is still plenty to explore.

Mortis Valleys

Remains of the once-wealthy and the opportunistic are the benchmarks of the open and desolate salt flats that typify this kind of wasteland. Byways crisscross its bleak expanse, but the very freedom from landmarks and natural cover acts to lure the hardy and the heartless into its uninviting and severe environment.

No Man’s Land

In the intervening years since the Great Slide, the warring factions that faced off near the end have left a virtually uninhabitable field of mines, traps, and poisonous terrain between the boundaries. Certainly, there are wrecks, derelicts, and other valued resources that dot the horizon, but the dangers can in many ways outstrip their weight in valuation.


Extreme and unsanctioned weaponry was unleashed in certain sections of the Wastes, creating a biologically unstable ruin. Mutagenic compounds, unrestricted science projects that have been liberated, even fog cloud banks that strip the flesh from bones make these wastes some of the most dangerous, yet most exotic to experience.

The Boondocks

More populated than many of the Wastes, these are the homes of the disturbed and isolated, the cannibalistic and demented. Cut off during the Food wars, the Boondocks have been left to their own long enough to create a nightmarish panorama of disease, dementia, and destruction of a, particularly “homey” variety.

The Moors

Areas, where the geography revolted against the building of the Great Highways, result in boggy, uncontrolled areas and expanses of broken roads and broken lives. Often cold and desolate, yet eerily mist-covered and humid, the Moors are home to the banshees and little people, drawn by both desire and defensive possibilities

The Wyldes

In terms of survivability and self-defense, the Wyldes are deceptively secure, with plentiful game and broad forests of wildlife, and plentiful pools of water. Of course, the Wyldes hold mysteries that span and cross borders with the mystical and the majestic. The roots of the Wyldes are in biological research and uncontrolled experimentation. Enter at your own risk.


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Dec 4, 2021 03:28

Awesome Keep up the good work

Dec 7, 2021 16:20 by Jonathan Albin

Thanks so much!

The Games Master Guru - Jonathan
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