Luminous Hierarch

The Luminous Hierarch is the chief priest of the temple complex at Lightfell.


Each order with as sanctioned shrine in Lightfell is allowed to submit one candidate to the trial by light.


While they are are nearly always a member of the clergy, there is not requirement that they be one. The only requirement known is that they be an adult.


On the day of choosing, the candidates are marched in a procession lead by the current hierarch up the Mount Ameslin where they stand on the western wall of the high temple. Just after sunset, the light of the Lieges floods the holy mountain and the own who casts a shadow is chosen to hold the position for the next year.


It is the duty of the Hierarch to maintain peace among the many sects in the holy city and to ever seek the general welfare of all the inhabitants of the city. They are given leave from the vows to the order they belonged to for their time in office and are punished by the lieges for showing favoritism.


The Hierarch is the chaplain of the Sanctuary of the Omen Stone, and where they are guided through visions provided by the Omen Stone itself.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

On rare occasions, a Hierarch will displease the lieges and be striped on their position. The lieges usually show their displeasure by banning them from entry into a Sanctuary of the Omen Stone. A few Hierarchs have displeased the lieges to the point where they took their life.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
luminous, Their Shadow
Alternative Naming
The One who casts the shadow
Source of Authority
The Lieges of Mount Ameslin
Length of Term
1 year
Related Locations


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