Item: Spacious Pouch in CHASE SRD | World Anvil

Item: Spacious Pouch



Spacious Pouch


  • Item Type(s): Container
  • -
  • Cost: Varies
  • Weight: 1 Bulk (~5 kg / ~10 lbs)
  • -
  • Item Power Level: 3
  • Magic Power Lvl: 4 / 7 / 11 / 13 / 16
  • Magic Aura: Moderate, Alteration, Not Hidden
  • Attunement?: No
  • Composition: Hide; Alteration Ability of rank 3 or greater (Other: Cloth)
  • Rarity: Uncommon

Item Description

The Spacious Pouch is an odd little thing, appearing in many shapes, sizes, and forms. Regardless of how it looks, the piece of cloth or hide always has a finely decorated patch with a Rune or Design attached. Although ordinary otherwise, the inside is always bigger than the outside.

A Spacious Pouch opens into a magical space larger than its outside dimensions. The Bulk held inside the bag doesn't change the Bulk of the bag itself. The amount of Bulk the bag's extradimensional space can hold depends on its type.

You can use an Action with the Pouch to stow items in it or remove them just like a mundane sack. Though the bag can hold a great amount of material, an object still needs to be able to fit through the opening of the sack to be stored inside. If the pouch is overloaded or broken, it ruptures and is ruined, causing the items inside to be lost forever. If it's turned inside out, the items inside spill out unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. A living creature placed inside the bag has enough air for 10 minutes before it begins to suffocate, and it can attempt to vs of DC 13 (or 10 + Bag's Item level) using Acrobatics or Athletics. An item inside the pouch provides no benefits unless it's retrieved first. An item in the bag can't be detected by magic that detects only things on the same plane.  
Spacious Pouch, ... Maximum Bulk Price Item Power Level
I 50 Bulk 75 gp 4
II 100 Bulk 300 gp 7
III 200 Bulk 1,200 gp 11
IV 400 Bulk 2,400 gp 13

As a Rune

The magic of this item can be placed or transferred to a Rune for storage and/or later enchanting via the corresponding activity. The enchant is the "of Holding" enchant, and the rune would called a "Rune of Holding." as well.   This Rune can be placed on any container, though by default the item becomes a Bag of Holding

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