The Convergence Physical / Metaphysical Law in Calyria | World Anvil

The Convergence

The year of 2000 marks the most important point in the history of Calyria. The Convergence, a cataclysmic event no scientist could have foretold, changed the face of Calyria forever. What should have been the simple change of years became a thundering breakdown of the veil.

The World before...

Before the Convergence, Calyria's history closely resembles our own, familiar Earth. It followed a track similar to the late 20th and early 21st century in our own reality. However, the people in Calyria remained unaware of the impending and hidden magical upheaval that would reshape the reality of the world. But there were signs...

While governments and corporations focussed on their traditional power struggles, things changed. In 1998, the Krupp Corporation found a vein of a hard, black material they could not identify. Later that same year, police forces all over the world recorded an increase in USC (Unexplained Spontaneous Combustion).

On New Year's Eve 1998-1999, New York City police recorded 160 cases of unexplained phenomena. These include spontaneous combustion, time loops, and outbursts of localized euphoria reminiscent of St. Vitus' dance. The events of New Year's Eve further fueled the population's fear of the approaching change of millennia. In certain regions of the world, a second Inquisition formed. Over 30% of the population was murdered, because people suspected them of secretly plotting the destruction of the entire world.

In the wake of these witch hunts, feminist associations took power in much of the civilized world. They entered the boards of corporations, important positions in governments, and the media. The narrative of men being responsible for all that was happening was successful.

The Veil crashes

When the clock struck midnight on the eve of the new year 2000, a mystical portal between two realms appeared, connecting the material world and the astral plane. The boundaries that had once kept them apart collapsed, resulting in a miraculous and chaotic fusion. Magic flooded into the world of Calyria, permeating its very essence.

A remarkable change happened in an instant. People of all races living in every corner of the world, from the biggest cities to the most remote places, woke up one day to find they had been given magical powers. It was called The Convergence, an evening when discoveries were made and the hidden powers of many metahumans were revealed.

Elves, humans, trolls, orcs, dwarves, and other living entities were imbued with a new sense of mystical capability. Simultaneously, the supernatural figures of vampires, werewolves, mages, and various other supernatural species were deprived of their mystical protections and seamlessly integrated into the Calyrian daily life.

This convergence not only brought an abundance of magical energy but also merged the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and magical practices. Each species contributed unique perspectives on magic, resulting in a vibrant tapestry of arcane knowledge.

The wind of change

While people met the initial impact of the Convergence with awe and wonder, it also ushered in a period of uncertainty and upheaval. The sudden influx of magical power led to both amazing feats and unforeseen consequences. Governments and corporations scrambled to adapt to this new reality, integrating magic into their everyday lives.

Corporations, already wielding immense influence, began investing heavily in magical research and development. They sought to harness the potential of magic for commercial gain, leading to the rapid advancement of technomagical innovations. Cyberware, net systems, and magical implants became commonplace, blurring the line between man and machine, magic and technology.

Yet, the Convergence also gave rise to conflicts and tensions. Prejudice and fear fueled distrust between species and genders, as metahumans and supernatural creatures struggled to coexist. Political factions vied for power, manipulating the flow of magic and its resources to further their agendas.

Following the Convergence, the world of Calyria became a realm of boundless possibilities, where technology and magic intertwined, and the supernatural walk among mortals. The legacy of the Convergence shaped every facet of society, from the glittering cities to the shadowy underbelly, forever altering the course of history.

Today, in the year 2070, Calyria stands as a testament to the enduring power of magic and the resilience of its diverse inhabitants. The Convergence serves as a reminder of the extraordinary events that unfolded, forever defining the world in which they live.

Metaphysical, Supernatural
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