Black Baron Character in Calyria | World Anvil

Black Baron

Black Baron

The Black Baron is the leader of the Ghost Riders, a gang in Nuremberg. He has been wanted by the police for over 5 years and has never been picked up. His true identity is unknown.

Since no one outside the Ghost Rider has ever spoken to the Black Baron, even his gender is purely speculative. So no one is surprised that the physical description varies greatly. The only thing they agree on is that he is very muscular, dressed in black leather with the gang symbol on it, and often appears with Corpsepaint, although some claim that this is his normal face.

The police of Nuremberg recently announced that this person does not exist and that the Black Baron is only an Urban Legend, as a result of which the attacks on police patrols in the area of Eibach increased massively.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Black Baron appeared for the first time in the late 90s. At that time he was mainly active in the area of the former rock factory. With the Millennium Crash, the Baron disappeared from the public eye and only returned in 2009 with the appearance of the Ghost Riders.

Since then, he has been accused of all sorts of assaults and the disappearance without a trace of various women, including those from the police and corporate sectors. However, since neither the women nor the baron has been found so far, the accusations remain unproven.

Current Location
Dark, possibly black or brown
Shoulder-length, black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, maybe with Corpsepaint
between 170 and 190cm
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Cover image: by Susanne Lamprecht


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