United Elven Senate
if you build it they will come, is the plan of a rising faction of elvish Commodores. They are connected elves from all known planets together and trying to get them to pool their resources together in interest of the greater good. This has been a tough sell as many commodores sacrificed a lot to gain their current position and view a unified body as giving all of that up for nothing.
While purely focused on invited the various scattered through the multiverse, they will make agreements with other races and groups. With the goalto secure space travel, the same as trade routes are down on terra, they need to work with everybody. Even those who have radically different ideologies.
To maintain peace with the Eye Monsters, the Senate has agreed to not interfere with their constantly raging civil war. Thus far this has remained a simple request. Most of the war has occured on Eye Monster territory, but as they need more resources their captains search for new systems to extract resources from. Their initial skirmishers with each other have impacted peaceful trade from stray weapons.
They are preparing for the time when Lleugyr regains its space capability. Ancient ruins are being uncovered that still contain the old technology that first gave them flight so it is just a matter of time when they figure out how they work.
It is a lot of work to integrate a new world comeing to space. Different cultures, different languages, hell even different crews all have different expectations for how to act. And since there are universally agreed upon written rules, there is a bit of a learning period that can be quite dangerous. Run afoul of the rules around the wrong group of captains and they will retaliate swiftly and severely.
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