Space Commodore
Once an elvish captain leads a group of spaceships, they have earned the right to call themselves Space Commodore. There is no unified military organized, the elves operate as more of a loose confederation all agreeing to some common goals, the main one is to prevent other peoples of Lloegyr from acquiring the technology to travel through space. They know what happened last time and are hoping to slow the reacquiring of such technology to preventing it from happening again.
Commodores are elvish traders that have become successful enough to have multiple ships flying under their banner. Trading, mining, diplomacy, exploration and mapping are all key abilities they must excel at. Getting a ship in shape enough for travel beyond the stars is still quite expensive even once you understand the principles. Many elves are still dependent on ancient artifacts to power the ship although a few can afford the price to outright purchase
Even travel from one planet to another within a solar system can be quite taxing. You need to stop of existing ports to recharge the air for breathing, but they all charge docking fees. This is where a keen captain comes in to set course to prevent suffocationj and make profitable deals.
Most of a Commodores job is political in nature and focused on maintaining good relations with other groups. Word quickly spreads across the ports if you encroach in on another's territory or mine in areas which you have no claim in. None of this in controlled by a central government, but more like a hive mind that is constantly at odds with itself. A Common Law has become well entrenched among all the planets who have space flight. It has been established through blood and debris. Not profitable. Not sustainable. Now most wish to at least been seen as followers of the Law. Violence is acceptable in Free Territory, but at any port is strictly forbidden. Even liches and Eye Monsters obey this mandate.
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