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Angelic Suit

A magic item that grants flight over long distances, even to other worlds. It's existenance is merely hypothsized by the Cult of the Clouds and no credible scholar believes it exists, flying brooms and carpets are rare enough.   The mechanism by which it works is unknown, even the number of people it can carry is unknown. The mover of the tides remains unseen, yet his existence is laid bare when the tide changes. Likewise it is with the Angelic Suit, the disturbance created in its wake cause cloud trails to appear along its path. Neither user nor suit has ever been seen. Arcane magic remains the only known source of invisibility, so this suit must be powered by arcane power. To sustain such high rates of travel to connect to different worlds would require a constant supply of energy.   Ancient reports speak of similar stories when the gods sent messengers down from the heavens to deliver precepts and guidance, hence the name. Suits come in varying sizes as evidenced by the different trails they leave behind, some may even be as large trade ships but most are thought to be more in form to suits of armor.   The successor of the Hyperborean Empire has begun to crumble and chaos threatens to consume the world. Perhaps their ancient gods are trying to once again reassert themselves on the lands and grant guidance, thus the rise is sightings in these past few decades.   Flight paths only exist high in the sky, these fliers come from one world, do their business here, then leave in a direction away from their orginal location, indicating that there are multiple locations they make along their way. Could these be trade routes that connect distant worlds? A new way to connect to the lower planes?

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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