Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish Character in Bane of the Shadow | World Anvil

Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish

Elder or Ancient (a.k.a. Tarc)

We Tilgish are an abandoned people - by our masters, by our gods. We now take what meager aspects we have left and we make a life, waiting for the Kuzgish to return. Not because we welcome our old masters home, but because they will have ships. Then we seize those vehicles and leave this god-forsaken planet to find a new one that can support life. We'll never be enslaved again!
— Tarc
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  He is the last of the elders of his tribe, the Tilgish, and the one that contacted the dark eldrich god. The council appointed Tarc to do this out of desperation, because the 'best' of the gods left with the elites when they evacuated the planet. A lone diety volunteered to speak with the Tilgish, offering to help them in exchange for the sacrifice of their physical form. It seemed a fair price to pay, since they were looking for ways to reduce the strain on the limited resources. When asked for a name, the entity said 'The Unspeakable'.   Tarc was the tiebreaker in the decision whether or not they should agree to the deal. He reasoned that their people would suffer more if everyone remained. Thus, the adults made the grizzly sacrifice of themselves to The Unspeakable and attached to living hosts after they became shadows. The shadow form then could still be around his or her loved ones and could give advice and pass on traditions. It seemed like a good deal.   The Tilgish found too late that the pact was a curse. The living, once they died would become shadows too and more Tilgish would need hosts or vanish after their host died. Tarc wanted nothing to do with the gods anymore. But he knew that the Kuzgish would return, and kept his people's spirits rallied with that knowledge. Not that the Tilgish would be happy to see those that so callously left them behind, but there would be a SHIP--a way off this desolated wasteland of a planet with few and dwindling resources.  
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  He was one of the fiercest of his people and won the right to become an elder by defeating a giant stinging centipede with his own hands.  
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  On earth, Kip Healey is his host, whom he cares for like a son. Tarc didn't expect the human to accept him or his alien culture so readily.

Physical Description

Body Features

As a shadow, he's a transparent glowing figure with a string like tether to his host. His ghostly form resembles his former physical body. He was a lean male, the same as all his starving people. His large three-toed feet were great for traction in the sand and his hands also have 3 fingers. The top of his head is shaved to show his Ancient status. He was fairly tall for his people.   The tatooed outline on his forehead is a slave mark and shows which house he belonged to. He chose not to hide his slave mark just before he made his sacrifice - do it remains. His people had a right to know their roots.   His face is a long oval with piercing grey eyes and a pronounced chin sporting a combo of sideburns and a goatee.

Apparel & Accessories

Ragged and patched clothing. A scrap scarf around his neck and rag wraps around his legs and forearms.


Religious Views

A very dim view of dieties. Prefers not to deal with them.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic, loyal, and brave


Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish


Towards Kip Healey


Kip Healey


Towards Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish


Neutral Good
Current Location
Ancient - doesn't remember
An unknown town in Nishlath Ban
Close cropped with a top tonsure
4' 2"
not applicalbe
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Divider image is Boho Style Pattern by 0melapics / Freepik

Cover image: by ehyun Sung on Unsplash
Character Portrait image: Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish by Amy Winters-Voss


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