The Fourth Battle of Paçan River Military Conflict in Asteria | World Anvil

The Fourth Battle of Paçan River

We couldn't believe our luck... We got just about to the edge of where they was settin' up without being seen, thank the Gods for that damned fog. When our boys smashed into 'em... Those poor bastards never stood a chance. What a racket it was!... Took me weeks to get the blood washed out of me boots.
-Croemerthian Heavy Cavalry Officer

The Conflict


In dim light just before dawn, the entire 3rd Infantry Division of the Vargan Defense Army (VDA) crossed the Paçan River on the border of Varga and Croemerth. After forward scouting by a platoon from the Vargan Reconnaissance Company (ReCo) reported no sign of enemy combatants, the 3rd Divison began setting up preliminary fortifications for the purpose of establishing a forward operating base. These preparations were still ongoing when combat began.

The Croemerthian force set out from their camp early, hoping to maneuver themselves to a weak point on the defensive front. The fog and difficult terrain slowed their advance, but also kept them from being discovered by the Vargan ReCo forces. Once the Croemerthian force had word of the amassed--and unaware--infantry at the edge of the river, they began to arrange themselves in preparation for an attack.


The Vargan forces were in the process of constructing rudimentary wooden palisades when combat began; the soldiers hadn't yet been deployed in battle formation. The entirety of the force had forded the river and amassed on the northern banks.

The Cromerthian forces, in a feat of military acumen, had organized themselves within the marshy woods to the northwest of the Vargan infantry without their presence being detected, in low light and under the cover of fog. The infantry positioned themselves to engage the Vargan infantry from the northeast. The heavy cavalry were in position to wheel around from the west, along the river, to cut off fleeing soldiers and drive the Vargans against the infantry like a hammer and anvil.


The battlefield was bordered to the South by the The Paçan River, a wide--and occasionally fast-flowing--but reasonably shallow river running westward from Lake Laelia and forming most of the border between Varga and Croemerth. Westward along the river was mostly flat riverbed that eventually turned into the river valley area just south of the hills near Ansellheim. The northern edge of the battlefield was a vast woody morass, and one of the few remaining heavily forested areas along the battlefront. The area of fighting was along a compact ~1.5 mile stretch of the river.


The conditions were very poor. Recent rains had caused the river to flood, which made the terrain on the riverbanks muddy and unstable. The early morning fog still hadn't burned off, which meant that visibility was extremely limited, and almost non-existent heading into the wooded area to the north.

The Engagement

In the early morning of Aterno 11th, the Croemerthian infantry charged out of the marshy woods and through the fog with rising sun at their backs. The force washed over the first layer of unfinished barricades and crashed into the main body of unsuspecting Vargans. The Vargan infantry began to rally bravely and reorganize into battle formations, seeking to slow the onslaught with their superior numbers.

Before the momentum of the initial Croemerth advance began to falter, the heavy cavalry dove into the unprotected flank of the Vargan infantry. The Vargans routed immediately. With many of their number only partially armored and fighting the cavalry with whatever weapons were closest, the Vargans had no response for this attack on their flank. As the jaws of the trap began to snap shut, many tried to flee. The Croemerthians--anticipating this--harassed the routing soldiers with waves of missile fire and pursued them with a detachment of heavy cavalry. The river began to run red with the blood of Vargans.

The Vargans that could not escape were quickly surrounded and the slaughter began. Pressed so tightly together that it was nearly impossible to defend themselves, a vast majority of the remaining soldiers were cut down. A small number of officers were captured alive. By the end of the fighting the field was soaked in blood. The slippery aftermath was so flooded with blood that in some places it went past the boots of the soldiers. There are stories of soldiers in the center of the Vargan mass killing themselves so to avoid the maddening wait for their inevitable death at the hands of the Croemerth soldiers.


This battle destroyed the entire 3rd Infantry Division of the VDA. It disrupted the plans of the Vargan Central Command, and forced the VDA to go on the defensive where it would remain for the rest of the war. It was also the most devastating loss that either side had seen during the war. An astonishing 1% of Varga's pre-war population had died or become a casualty in this battle.


This is regarded as the battle that lost the Varga the entire war. It became increasingly clear that Varga no longer had the manpower to repulse the Croemerthian invasion. This was the last offensive action made by the VDA for the rest of the war as Croemerth marched steadily to Naeron.

Historical Significance


The Fourth Battle of Paçan River is regarded as Varga's greatest tragedy. It is seldom talked about, and is remembered with deep sorrow over the loss of so much life. The anniversary of the battle is celebrated as a day of mourning in Varga for the dead and wounded of this battle and the entire war.
The Fourth Battle of the Paçan River is regarded as a magnificent victory in Croemerth. It is celebrated for its tactical brilliance and as an exemplar of the effectiveness of the heavy cavalry, which was instrumental in winning the war for Croemerth.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
12th of Phyrama, 1077
Ending Date
12th of Phyrama, 1077
Conflict Result
The Croemerthian Combined Force achieved a smashing victory, crippling Vargan forces for the rest of the war


Vargan Defense Army
Croemerthian Combined Forces


  • 10,000 infantry
  • Assorted support staff/non-combatants
  • 8,000 infantry
  • 4,000 heavy cavalry
  • Assorted support staff/non-combatants


  • ~10,000 infantry killed
  • Non-combatant casualties are unknown
  • ~700 infantry
  • ~250 heavy cavalry
  • Non-combatant casualties are unknown


To establish a foothold for a large-scale pincer maneuver targeting the large Croemerth force to the West
To repel the VDA offensive


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