Jessica Beviar Character in Asteria | World Anvil

Jessica Beviar

Oi! Get ya sorry head out of yer arse Lova and pay attention to that line! You drop that fookin box and I’ll get you off this ship before cap even leaves his quarters to check on the ruckus!
The woman turns, looking at the recruit that has come up from below decks. She eyes him with a smirk as he approaches.
Whattcha think you are lookin at all googly eyed? If you ‘ave a issue with a pretty woman running the show on this boat then you can join sorry ol’ Lova when he drops that box.
She spins round to check on the loading of cargo, relaxing when she sees the deckhand dead focused on the task.
They call me Jessica Beviar, but you ain’t the guard, cap, or my mum so you call me Jessie. I’m second mate round here, reporting directly to Doc. I’m the closest thing you will get to a friend in the officer circle, so keep that in mind.
She walks over, shaking the recruit’s hand firmly before clapping him on the shoulder.
Now get on ya way and find Tazzy, he’ll walk ya through how things are done round 'ere.
With extreme dexterity the woman hops onto the gunwale and swings over the side of the Indomitable on one of the lines. With a nod she jumps back onto the deck and takes off towards the captain’s quarters in the stern. She turns to see a stunned recruit staring.
The fook you lookin at greenhorn?! I said go find Tazzy!
The recruit jumps taking off below deck to find the quartermaster.
Current Location
The Indomitable


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