Arclands Home of the Arcverse

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Enter the Arcverse

  Arclands is a 5th Edition World, brought to you by the visionaries at Verse Online. Arclands is set in the multi dimensional Arcverse, a reality left in chaos following the death of the one god of the Five Dimensions, The Keeper. Now magic has returned to the world and those who inhabit the Arcverse must learn to wield it, developing their abilities at spellforges.   Verse Online created this World Anvil to bring our Arclands backers all the content we couldn't fit in our books. We have launched several successful Kickstarers and we have grown the Arcverse with the goodwill, friendship and support of fans and backers from across the world.  

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Hear Season One of our fantasy novel in many parts, A Fire in the Heart of Knowing, that takes listeners from the darkened fortresses and forests of Mordikhaan to the streets of Arc and the Mill Lands as misfits and mystics awaken to their purpose and the shadow of war lengthens:     You can find everything else we do here:  


Here are links to all the non World Anvil resources for Arclands content and world building and GMing in general:   Enter The Arcverse - Our Blog   Verse Online Youtube        


  Here are links to where you can get Arclands RPG books and merch:   DrivethruRPG   Our official Arclands Store (for hardback books and monster cards)   Merch  

Get exclusive access now

  To enter the Arcverse and snag your monthy battle map download, secret lore, stories, zine and more, back our Patreon (see below).
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