The Half Fey in Arclands | World Anvil

The Half Fey



  In the Arcverse, the Half Fey emerge as poignant symbols of dual heritage, belonging simultaneously to the world of the mystical Fey and the realm of humans. Born from the enigmatic union of humans and the ethereal Fey of the Skaarvald forest, the Half Fey occupy a unique position in the world, caught in the balance between their human sensibilities and the magical allure of their Fey lineage. Their dual nature not only defines their physical and emotional characteristics but also shapes their interactions, aspirations, and challenges. This essay delves deep into the lore of the Half Fey, unraveling their history, their divided lineage of Goi and Roki, and their quest for identity in a world where they often feel adrift. Through their story, we gain insights into the complexities of heritage, the nuances of belonging, and the profound longing to find one's true place in the world. The origins of the Half Fey are deeply connected to the millennia of war between the Fey and the Keeper, and were the product of deception and trickery by the Keeper's dark servant Eratheon.  


  The history of the Half Fey can be traced to the, when mankind emerged and the deciever Eratheon, a creation of the dark being known as the Haunter and bound to the service of the Keeper, worked to destroy the Fey kingdoms.    At the heart of the story of the Half Fey stands the realm of Elieash, presided over by Nothoril, a leader of great might but also of profound vulnerabilities. His reign, marred by feelings of alienation from other Fey rulers, presented a ripe opportunity for the designs of Eratheon, a figure intent on sowing seeds of discord and reshaping the Fey order.   Eratheon's masterstroke was the creation of the Half Fey, beings born of both human and fey lineage. He had begun to teach humanity in the ways of domination and conquest, but he also knew that within humans was an aching longing for something transcendant, something beyond themselves. He knew that humans would see this in the grace and beauty of the Fey and be entranced by them. He knew also that human beings, slowly educated in the worship of the Keeper, would look with enough suspicion and fear at the Syadthe that they would not join with the Fey in worshipping them; Some of Nothoril's wiser counsel, starting to realise the threat of humanity, argued that Nothoril should embrace humans as younger siblings and guide them in the way of the Song and bring them to the court of the Syadthe. Eratheon judged correctly that this was not something that Nothoril would ever consider. Anticipating the disdain of the fey towards the offspring of humans and Fey, Eratheon envisioned them as catalysts for chaos within the Fey dominions and encouraged as many unions between Fey and human as possible. The fall of Nothoril, seduced by the power of 'The Briar', a clandestine realm crafted by Eratheon, set forth a chain of events that culminated in the rise of a new and formidable antagonist, The Thorn King.   As Elieash crumbled under the Thorn King's might, human settlers encroached upon the Fey territories, capitalizing on their diminished state. The once majestic heartland of the Fey became the Skaarvald, or the 'Lost Forest', a poignant reminder of a bygone era of dominion and glory. Yet, amidst this backdrop of upheaval and loss, emerged the Half Fey, forever searching for their place, torn between the realms of man and Fey.  

The Goi and the Roki

  There are two known Half Fey variants in Aestis, the Goi and Roki, though it is widely thought that other Half Fey variants exist. All long to return to the Skaarvald, though often they have little understanding or knowledge of what draws them to the great forest.   

Characteristics of the Goi: Descendants of Water and Meadow Spirits

  The Goi are emblematic of the fluidity and grace inherent in the Fey world. Born of water and meadow spirits, their lineage can be traced to the gentle brooks and lush fields of the Skaarvald. Their physical attributes mirror these origins - they are often tall and lithe, with a grace that captivates. Their skin, pale as the moon's reflection on a quiet pond, contrasts with hair shades that range from silvery blond to the deep green of dense woods. These ethereal features lend them an otherworldly charm, making them both enchanting and, at times, unsettling to those unfamiliar with their lineage.   In terms of social characteristics, Goi Half Fey exhibit a natural curiosity that sometimes borders on nosiness. Their magnetic personalities and ability to understand the desires and needs of those around them make them adept at navigating social intricacies. This innate ability often sees them assume roles as negotiators, emissaries, or even spies in broader society. However, their mesmerizing presence is a double-edged sword. Many assume deceit or trickery from the Goi, making trust a hard-won commodity for them.  

Characteristics of the Roki: Offsprings of Rock and Cave Spirits

  In contrast to the ethereal Goi, the Roki embody the steadfastness and ruggedness of the land. They owe their lineage to rock and cave spirits, and this bond to the earth is evident in their physique and demeanor. Their broad shoulders and stout frames are a testament to their hardy origins. Their complexion, reminiscent of sun-kissed rock, is complemented by distinctive horn-like protrusions that many choose to conceal, perhaps out of a sense of vulnerability or the desire to blend in.   The Roki are practical beings. Their grounded nature allows them to view the world with a pragmatic lens, often seeming cold or distant to those who don't understand them. They have an uncanny ability to blend with their surroundings, an inherited trait from their Fey ancestors who could merge with caves and rocky terrains. This adaptability often sees Roki naturally gravitating towards roles that require resilience and toughness. They make for excellent trackers, guards, or warriors, leveraging their keen senses and robust physique.   The Half Fey, with their bifurcated lineage of Goi and Roki, provide a fascinating study in contrasts. While the Goi represent fluidity, grace, and the ever-shifting landscapes of meadows and waters, the Roki stand for solidity, strength, and the unyielding nature of rocks and caves. Yet, beneath these differences lies a shared essence - a quest for belonging and a connection to the lost realm of the Fey. Whether in the form of a Goi's keen insight or a Roki's unwavering resolve, the Half Fey continue to carve their legacy in a world where their dual nature remains both their strength and their challenge.  

Cultural and Social Dynamics

  Within the rich fabric of the Half Fey's existence, one element stands out prominently: their nomadic spirit. Rooted in a history of being continually displaced, the Half Fey developed a deep-seated detachment from material possessions and an enduring sense of wanderlust. They don't view places as permanent abodes but rather as transient stops, momentary stages in the grand journey of life. This detachment from the material realm does not mean they lack depth; instead, it signifies their understanding of the ephemeral nature of existence. By not clinging to material possessions, they free themselves from the societal chains that often shackle others.  

Relationships: Empathy, Hatred of Injustice, and Standing with the Weak

  While the Half Fey may not bond with places, they form deep connections with people and ideals. Their keen sense of empathy, inherited perhaps from their Fey lineage, enables them to feel profoundly, and this depth of emotion often manifests in their social dynamics. They can sense when someone is in pain or when injustice is being meted out. This sensitivity, combined with their history of displacement and the challenges they've faced, has cultivated in them a fierce disdain for injustice. They invariably find themselves standing with the downtrodden and the weak, acting as shields against oppressors. Relationships, for the Half Fey, are built on trust, respect, and shared struggles rather than mere societal norms or convenience.  

Interactions with Other Races

  Affinity with The Half Firg  as Fellow Outsiders: The Half Fey have always felt a kinship with the Half Firg. Both groups understand the pain of being caught between two worlds, neither wholly belonging to one or the other. This shared experience of being outsiders has engendered mutual respect and understanding. Their camaraderie is often reflected in their collaborative endeavors, be it in trade, warfare, or in crafting arts that merge the uniqueness of both races.   Fascination with the Chorale: The Chorale, with their melodic existences and harmonious way of life, have always fascinated the Half Fey. While the two races don't always see eye to eye, there's an undeniable allure that the Chorale exude, one that the Half Fey are drawn to. This fascination often takes the form of artistic collaborations, with Half Fey integrating the Chorale's harmonies into their own expressive arts.   Relation with Humans , Especially Those Touched by Fate: The most intricate of the Half Fey's relationships is arguably with humans. Given their mixed lineage, the Half Fey tread a delicate line between understanding human desires and being wary of their unpredictable nature. Those humans who are 'touched by fate' - individuals who bear the mark or aura of destiny - intrigue the Half Fey the most. These are the humans with whom the Half Fey form the deepest bonds, sensing in them a spark that transcends the mundane. Yet, their relationship is not devoid of friction, especially when the interests of humans clash with the principles that the Half Fey hold dear.   The cultural and social dynamics of the Half Fey offer a lens into a community that's both deep-rooted in its values and fluid in its interactions. Whether it's their nomadic spirit, their unwavering stance against injustice, or their intricate relationships with other races, the Half Fey remain a testament to the complexities that arise when two worlds converge. Through their journey, they provide valuable insights into the nature of belonging, the essence of relationships, and the nuances of inter-racial dynamics in a multifaceted world.

Adventuring and the Half Fey

  The Half Fey's very essence is a harmonious blend of the wild Fey spirit and the pragmatic adaptability of humans. Their heritage and the challenges they've faced in navigating the complex tapestry of racial dynamics have fostered a restless spirit within them. Adventure, for the Half Fey, is not just a means to an end but a calling. Their nomadic tendencies instill in them a thirst for discovery, an urge to uncover hidden truths, and to bridge the divides between cultures. Furthermore, their mixed lineage often leaves them grappling with an internal quest for identity. Adventuring offers a platform to seek answers, to find purpose, and to carve out a unique space in the world.  

Common Roles in Adventuring Parties

  The Half Fey, given their unique blend of attributes, naturally slide into various roles within an adventuring party:   Scouts and Trackers: Their Fey heritage bestows upon them heightened senses and an innate connection to nature, making them excellent at trailblazing and leading parties through uncharted terrains. Diplomats and Mediators: Drawing from their deep well of empathy and their understanding of diverse cultures, they can bridge gaps between party members or even negotiate with potential foes, turning confrontations into collaborations. Spellcasters: Their Fey blood grants them a natural affinity for magic, allowing them to harness the arcane arts with an ease that leaves many spellcasters envious.

Dynamics with Other Adventurers

  Venturing alongside a Half Fey is an experience that adventurers seldom forget. Their perception, shaped by the convergence of two worlds, offers fresh insights and perspectives. They tend to notice things others might overlook, be it a hidden trap in a dungeon or the subtle undertones in a diplomatic conversation.   However, their dual lineage also casts a shadow of uncertainty around them. To many adventurers, especially those unacquainted with their kind, the Half Fey can seem enigmatic, even unpredictable. Rumors and myths, often exaggerated, about the Fey's capricious nature might lead to misplaced suspicions about the Half Fey's intentions or loyalty.   Yet, those who take the time to truly know them find loyal and insightful companions. Their depth of emotion and the wisdom they've garnered from straddling two worlds can be an invaluable asset. They tend to be the peacemakers, sensing underlying tensions and addressing them before they bubble to the surface.   Additionally, their interactions with other adventurers are often tinted by their inherent disdain for injustice. They'll invariably stand up against any form of oppression, even if it means going against a fellow adventurer. This fierce sense of righteousness, while commendable, can sometimes lead to friction within the group, especially when motives and methods clash.   The Half Fey, with their unique blend of attributes and experiences, bring a distinct flavor to any adventuring party. While their journey is riddled with the challenges of perceptions and uncertainties, those who embark on quests alongside them find not just a skilled ally, but a companion who offers fresh perspectives, unwavering loyalty, and a relentless quest for justice. The world of adventuring is richer for their presence, and tales of their exploits are told and retold, becoming the stuff of legend.  

Game Mechanics and Traits

  The Half Fey, with their dual lineage, are an intricate blend of both human and fey characteristics. For players interested in a nuanced and diverse gaming experience, incorporating the Goi and Roki traits provides both advantages and challenges that can be harnessed to create dynamic and engaging gameplay.  

Goi Traits

  Benefits   Water Affinity: Goi have a natural ability to manipulate and traverse water. They can breathe underwater for extended periods and gain advantage on swimming checks. Nature's Insight: Being descendants of water and meadow spirits, Goi have an innate connection to nature, granting them a bonus on Nature and Survival checks when in meadows or freshwater settings.   Challenges:   Sun Vulnerability: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can weaken the Goi, leading to disadvantage on endurance or constitution checks after a certain period under the sun.   Sound Sensitivity: Due to their water-based lineage, loud or shrill sounds can disorient them, causing temporary debuffs in perception or combat scenarios.  

Roki Traits

  Advantages   Stone's Fortitude: Roki inherit the resilience of rock and cave spirits, granting them higher resistance to physical damage. They might have bonus hit points or a natural armor class boost. Darkvision: As offsprings of cave spirits, Roki can see in near-total darkness, allowing them to navigate caves and underground terrains without the need for light.   Challenges:   Light Sensitivity: Bright lights, especially sudden bursts, can hinder the Roki's vision, imposing disadvantage on perception checks in overly illuminated areas. Enclosed Spaces: Ironically, while caves are their domain, small enclosed spaces or tight binds can be unnerving for Roki, potentially leading to panic or claustrophobia-based challenges.   The dichotomy of the Goi and Roki traits can be a treasure trove for Dungeon Masters and players alike. The advantages provide unique solutions to challenges: Goi can serve as underwater scouts or diplomats to aquatic creatures, while Roki can take point in spelunking adventures or act as a group's bulwark in battle. Conversely, their vulnerabilities introduce elements of strategy and caution; a Goi might need to seek shade or employ protective magic under a blazing sun, and a Roki might require blindfolds or calming spells in bright, open terrains.   Incorporating these traits pushes players to think creatively, strategize, and play to their strengths while compensating for their weaknesses. For Dungeon Masters, it's an opportunity to design diverse campaigns, weaving in aquatic mysteries for Goi or deep cavernous explorations for Roki, ensuring that the narrative remains both challenging and rewarding.  


The Half Fey, with their captivating duality of Goi and Roki, stand as a testament to the longevity of their Fey lineage and the vitality of their human ancestry. Their unique origins, bridging the human realm with the ethereal essence of the Fey, imparts them with traits that can both aid and challenge adventurers. These characteristics not only enliven gameplay but also deepen the narrative, intertwining the Half Fey's personal quests with the broader struggles and wonders of the world. Their interactions, whether it's with fellow outsiders like the Half Firg or the enigmatic Chorale, breathe life into tales of kinship, conflict, and discovery. As we close this exploration, the Half Fey beckon storytellers and players alike towards uncharted terrains, promising new adventures and stories, ripe for the telling in a world ever teeming with magic and mystery.

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Our debut Arclands novel is available here. Read A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, a story of desperate power struggles and a battle for survival in the dark lands of Mordikhaan. 


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