The Syadthe in Arclands | World Anvil

The Syadthe



  Long before the first Fey ever set foot in the world known then as Yaran, the Syadthe were born. These eternal spirits, who had once been Tralanvannir Graces, discovered Yaran and knew it would be a sanctuary against the Keeper who relentlessly hunted them. These graces were the survivors of the Keeper's treachery at the end of the Devourer War; on the dark plain of Locaris, their brethren were slain by the foul armies of Damnation as the Keeper opened a portal and allowed the faithful Phalanx Grace to escape. The survivors of this purge journeyed in the dark to find the Mortal Realm, but were aided by the Keeper's smiths, the Lotharvannir. When the Graces discovered Yaran, some chose to slumber for countless millennia, as the vastness and emptiness of the world led them to despair. Others could see life flicker in the waters and knew that Yaran, their home, would one day teem with conscious beings like themselves. As they heard the Song, the magical force that coursed through the world that the Lotharvannir had woven deep into it, they began to transform. The magic of the Song told the surviving Graces that the fragile mortal world was riven by seven forces, Time, Dreams, Knowing, Magic, Fate, War and Loss. Each of these powers merged with the souls of one of the Graces and transformed them into the seven Syadthe.    While the Lotharvannir played a significant role in the Syadthe's transformation, their story moves beyond these celestial crafters. The Syadthe stand as testament to the primal forces that govern existence, and the balance necessary to maintain it. Their journey and influence extended to the Fey, the inhabitants of Yaran, whom they guided and taught but were careful to avoid domineering over. The Syadthe's story reveals their deep wisdom, their nuanced relationships with each other, and their influential roles in the world of Yaran.   In this article, we will delve into the origins, relationships, powers, and guidance of the Syadthe. We will explore their significant impact on the Fey and their enduring influence on the world of Yaran. Join us as we traverse the mystical realm of Arclands and journey through the annals of its most enigmatic beings—the Syadthe.

The Story of the Syadthe

  In the timeless expanse predating the inception of existence, primal forces of creation and destruction, collectively known as the Astrogon, held dominion. The arrival of the Keeper, a being with a vision for harmonious order, shifted the tide. Disdaining the chaotic raw energy of the Astrogon, he harnessed their power to form Celestium, a haven of perfect order. Unbeknownst to the Astrogon, the Keeper was not intending to co-rule but to imprison them in another realm, Damnation, a plot foiled only by the trickster Onikyass, who surreptitiously evaded this fate.   When the Keeper crafted Celestium, he also created the Athervannir, seven entities of distinct power, and the Lotharvannir, an assembly of skilled artisans. An unforeseen consequence of the Athervannir's existence was the emergence of the Tralanvannir, later known as the Graces, at the fringes of Celestium. This unanticipated birth of life challenged the Keeper's belief in his sole creative authority.   Finding enjoyment in the Graces' adoration, the Keeper falsely claimed their creation as his own. However, when some Graces uncovered his deception and questioned his authenticity, dissent blossomed. The Shuravai, infiltrators loyal to the Keeper, were dispatched to silence these rebels, escalating tensions towards civil war.   The impending conflict was paused by the arrival of the Devourer, a primal force threatening to obliterate both Celestium and Damnation. The Graces, led by the celestial warrior Thaladican, brokered a truce with the Keeper to combat this universal threat. In this tumultuous time, the Lotharvannir's hidden realm, Elkarad, teeming with their unique lifeforms, was unveiled.   Seizing this opportunity, the Keeper lured the Devourer to Elkarad. The ensuing battle devastated the realm, transforming it into a lifeless wasteland, a cruel punishment for the Lotharvannir's disloyalty. Following a fierce battle on the plains of Locaris, the Devourer was entrapped in a newly constructed reality—a delicate prison realm created by the Lotharvannir.   Not entirely loyal to the Keeper, the Lotharvannir ensured hidden weaknesses throughout the fabric of the prison realm, which inadvertently resulted in the birth of the Mortal Realm, a dimension teeming with life—an epoch known as the Hidden Age.   The Hidden Age unfolded with the Keeper's broken promise of justice to the rebel Graces and his deceitful alliance with the Legion of Damnation. Betrayed and trapped on the battlefields of Locaris, most Graces fell, while the rest sought refuge across the Mortal Realm, specifically on a planet they named Yaran, or "Sanctuary".   As they roamed Yaran, they felt the Mortal Realm's unique energy—the tamed essence of the Devourer—and witnessed the birth of new life. Some found solace in deep slumber within the planet's crust, while others remained awake, gradually adapting to the realm's conditions and witnessing the planet's evolution.   Among these changes, the Graces discovered the Song—a secret symphony embedded within the fabric of reality by the Lotharvannir. As the Graces learned the Song, they underwent a profound metamorphosis, shedding their physical forms to become the Syadthe. The Song not only offered the Graces a new identity as beings of magic, but also a purpose: to welcome and guide the Fey into the world of Yaran.  

The Syadthe


Gilmerion (Lord of Time)

Gilmerion's form shimmers with temporal flux, simultaneously appearing aged and youthful. His galaxy-like eyes hold the weight of eternity. His companion is the Taas, as staff that enables him to subtly influence the flow of time. Often seen engaging with Lullasylph and Elegyon, he imparts to the Fey the value of patience and the importance of understanding time's influence on their magical practices.  

Luasylph (Lady of Dreams)

Ethereal and serene, Luasylph's hair ripples like the night sky, and her eyes twinkle with countless stars. Her Dreamweaver's Loom, the Oropicos, weaves intricate dreams into the minds of sleepers. Close to Gilmerion and Thaumara, she teaches the Fey about the power of dreams and imagination in magic, warning them of the potential dangers of pulling too much from the dream realm.  

Seridion (Lord of Knowing)

Seridion resembles a steadfast statue in a grand library. His deep, thoughtful eyes seem to contain all knowledge. With Haukan, the Scepter of Insight, he reveals truths and dispels illusions. In dialogue with Thaumara and Zyste , he instructs the Fey to seek understanding before wielding magic and to respect the mysteries they cannot comprehend.  

Thaumara (Lady of Magic)

With her vibrant, ever-shifting form, Thaumara embodies magical energy. Thorosin, the Arcane Orb she holds amplifies and refines spells. Working alongside Lullasylph and Seridion, she guides the Fey in their magical journeys, emphasizing the need for respect and balance in the use of magic, and warning against uncontrolled application of their powers.  

Zyste (Lord of Fate)

Zyste 's form is both present and absent, like a shadow, symbolizing the fickle nature of destiny. He uses the Threads of Destiny to influence lif paths subtly. Often found alongside Seridion and Amrathe , he explains to the Fey that each action—magical or not—carries consequences that weave into their fate.  

Amrathe (Lady of War)

Amrathe emanates power and determination. Her robust form is armored, glowing fiercely, and Baloran, her Sword of Victory can turn battles' tides. Associated with Zyste and Elegyon, she cautions the Fey about the potential for conflict when magic is used without thought for others and advises the use of power for protection rather than dominance.  

Elegyon (Lord of Loss)

Cloaked in twilight shades, Elegyon's somber appearance carries symbols of memory. His Tear of Remembrance soothes grief and brings acceptance. His relationships with Gilmerion and Amrathe shape his role in comforting the Syadthe and Fey alike. He reminds the Fey of the losses that can occur when magic is used irresponsibly or without understanding its cost.

The Syadthe's allegiances to one another

  Gilmerion (Time) & Luasylph (Dreams): Time and dreams often intertwine, making the relationship between Gilmerion and Lullasylph a naturally close one. They formed a bond based on mutual understanding and support, with Gilmerion's mastery over time allowing dreams to evolve, and Luasylph's dreams offering creative sparks and alternate possibilities for the march of time.   Seridion (Knowing) & Thaumara (Magic): Seridion and Thaumara have a complex relationship, often seen in deep discussion or even argument. The tension stems from a clash between empirical knowledge and the more intuitive, unpredictable nature of magic. Yet, they deeply respect each other's domains and understand that both knowledge and magic are needed for balance.   Zyste(Fate) & Amrathe (War): Destiny and war are irrevocably tied. Zyste might view Amrathe as a tool for ensuring the fates he weaves come to pass, whereas Amrathe might occasionally resent being viewed as a pawn of destiny. There could be a power struggle here, but also a deep sense of mutual dependence.   Elegyon (Loss) & Everyone: Loss is universal. Elegyon may have the most connections to the other gods, providing comfort when they experience loss or struggle with their domains. Despite the sorrow attached to his essence, he is respected and deeply valued by the others for his understanding and comforting presence.   Gilmerion (Time) & Elegyon (Loss): Time inevitably leads to loss, creating a profound bond between Gilmerion and Elegyon. They may be the two gods who understand each other the most, experiencing the cyclical nature of existence in their unique ways.   Luasylph (Dreams) & Thaumara (Magic): Dreams are often the root of magic, and the bond between Luasylph and Thaumara might reflect this. They could inspire each other, with Luasylph providing imaginative dreamscapes that fuel Thaumara's magical patterns.   Seridion (Knowing) & Zyste (Fate): Seridion may strive to predict and understand the paths that Zyste weaves. While Zyste might find amusement in Seridion's attempts, he also respects the quest for knowledge and often provides cryptic hints to keep Seridion engaged.   These relationships embody the interdependence and constant dialogue occurring within the Syadthe collective. Their domains intertwine, creating a robust and harmonious network that governs the cosmos. However, their interactions are not without friction - it is in these conflicts that growth and evolution arise, ensuring the universe and its inhabitants continue to thrive and progress.  

The Syadthe and the Fey 

  The first encounter between the Syadthe and the Fey was a moment of profound discovery, akin to the first dawn breaking over a newly formed world. It happened in the early days of Fey existence when the mystical beings were still exploring their nascent abilities and the world around them.   When the Syadthe first sensed the Fey's presence in the cosmos, it was like a ripple in the fabric of their collective consciousness. Curiosity led them to Yaran, the birthplace of the Fey.   In the Fey, the Syadthe found beings of infinite potential and the recognised swiftly that unless they guided these new beings, the Keeper would find a way of either exploiting or annihilating them.   The Syadthe's initial reaction was one of concern and awe. They saw the raw, unrefined potential of the Fey and understood the risks it posed, both to the Fey themselves and to the cosmos at large. They recognized the need for balance and control, for guidance and support.   In response, the Syadthe made a collective decision to adopt a role of mentorship and guardianship for the Fey. Each Syadthe adopted a facet of Fey existence to guide.   This meeting, this decision to guide and protect, marked the beginning of a new era, an era where the Syadthe and the Fey forged an intricate bond, a relationship of mutual growth and learning. The Syadthe guided the Fey, and the Fey, in turn, gave the Syadthe a purpose - a cause to champion, a chance to shape the future of a new life form. It was a bond born of shared existence, understanding, and a commitment to ensure the harmonious progression of the cosmos.  


At the dawn of the Fey, the Syadthe, now beings of unimaginable power, were driven by an intense sense of duty and fear. They were fearful of the Keeper and what he might do should he discover their presence, and they were even more afraid for the newly emerging Fey. They needed a way to perceive time as the Lotharvannir did, to navigate its many layers, to predict potential threats, and to plan their defenses. The Syadthe channeled their energies into the creation of a tool, a powerful entity that could peer into the depths of the past, survey the intricacies of the present, and unveil the uncertainties of the future. They planted a seed imbued with their combined powers at the heart of Hyamasus. From this seed, sprung forth Khodamseryn, the Timebound Tree.   Khodamseryn was a temporal sentinel, a navigator of time's complex weaves. Its roots reached into the past, with each strand resonating with a distinct moment from the universe's inception. Its trunk stood firmly in the present, channeling the raw energy of the now. Its highest branches soared towards the cosmos, branching into countless threads, each one signifying a possible future.   Though all Syadthe could commune with Khodamseryn, it was Gilmerion who was most attuned to it. He bore the heavy responsibility of sifting through time's secrets, making sense of its riddles, and identifying potential threats from the Keeper.   However, even the mighty Khodamseryn had its limitations. There were secrets of time that even it could not unravel. Some events, some paths were shrouded in a veil that could not be penetrated until time itself deemed it necessary. This reminded the Syadthe that while they could prepare for many eventualities, they could not anticipate everything.   When the Fey emerged, it was Khodamseryn the Syadthe introduced them to first. This was not just a ceremony but a crucial step in their survival. The Syadthe needed the Fey to understand the severity of the situation, to know what they were up against, and to be ready when the Keeper made his move. Through the Timebound Tree, the Fey learned to navigate time, to understand their place in its grand scheme, and to prepare for the battles to come.   And so, Khodamseryn stood at the heart of Hyamasus, not just as a Timebound Tree, but as the heartbeat of a world constantly preparing for an imminent danger. The Syadthe and the Fey rallied around it, united in their goal to protect their world and each other from the looming threat of the Keeper.

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Our debut Arclands novel is available here. Read A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, a story of desperate power struggles and a battle for survival in the dark lands of Mordikhaan. 


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