Andani Traeline

Andani Traeline

Andani Traeline was a celebrated poet, illustrator, sculptor, and author. Her literary works are some of the most commonly known, and many are told by traveling entertainers and bards. Whether at royal courts, or in the most humble of villages - many enjoy her stories to this day.   Born to wealthy aristocrats among the Ratashun Empire (then called Corsino), she acquired a comprehensive education. Her family had intended her to assume the role of an advisor or to wed a powerful politician. However, once she reached her later teenage years, she abruptly left her family behind. Some believe the reason she left was due to hints of corruption within the family or because she was engaged to marry against her will, but there is no concrete proof of these claims.   A few short years later, she wrote her first ever collection of poems. While pleasant enough, they failed to gain her more than token appreciation. Not dismayed, she continued writing every chance she could. She joined a merchant that was travelling to Borata. During the trip, the merchant and his guards came to enjoy her stories so much, that upon reaching the city, the merchant invited her to entertain at various parties and events. She continued to hone her skills over the next decade, releasing her most famous books and short stories, including The Adventures of Sori, A Time of Wonder, and Kisan: The Conqueror of Love. It is estimated she published over 200 books, hundreds of poems, over twenty sculptures, and several paintings and portraits.   In addition to her public appearances, Andani pursued other forms of art - primarily illustration, painting, and sculpting. Nearly every work that has survived the intervening centuries is considered a masterpiece. Educators still use her works as examples for their students to this day.
Date of Birth
34 DE
Date of Death
127 DE


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