Zragak Geographic Location in Ancient Chronicles | World Anvil



Existence of X Planets

    Written by Gre Kio   Over the span of our explorations and research, we have concluded that the known universe is saturated in life. The Shyrofor, Kilowhen, and Amasaszi galaxies hold the highest concentration of life across the known territory. Occasional blips of habited planets are found as we expand our explorative capabilities. Complex organisms, especially intelligent life, are relatively rarer finds. Most life we encounter on new planets are compromised overwhelmingly by single cell organisms. In contrast, 80 percent of the planets we locate are barren and inhospitable anywhere we look simply because conditions for life are not met.   There are many types of inhospitable planets. Some are torn apart and rebuilt by gravity, many are frozen or superheated, and others are held under such gravitational pressure that any object would be flattened into a thin paste should it be placed upon the diamond encrusted surface. My favorites are the planets constantly under siege by raging storms with wind speeds reaching thousands of miles per hour.   However, in very recent studies within the past few years, a new breed of planet has shown its face. And in the science community, there is much debate on whether this particular type of planet can be classed as uninhabitable or inhospitable. We’ve taken to calling them “X Planets “and the first one ever found — discovered just in the last standard year by Hirin Kio, Seyrin student at Central Ananlath Institute of Science, Technology, and Medicine (AI) — lies at the very edge of the known universe. Hirin named it Zragak (derivative of Shyrven zragi meaning “to defy” and ko meaning “one”) which loosely translates to “defiant one”.   Hirin found that Zragak is similar to neutron stars in that it has a fairly small size (although nothing like a neutron star) but an enormous gravity because of its monstrous mass and density. Zragak also has an albedo of nearly zero, meaning almost no light is reflected from its surface which results in a near black object. That alone is why Zragak has only recently been discovered. Other X Planets are most likely lurking in charted territory.   High levels of concentrated Aranite have been detected on Zragak. So high in fact that oceans and crystalline fortresses entirely composed of concentrated Aranite are quite likely. The toxic atmosphere and levels of radiation would result in nearly instantaneous death for nearly all typical complex and simple lifeforms. A large group of scientists have ruled this planet and any others like it to be listed as inhospitable and uninhabitable. However, others are not so sure. Ethiea is riddled with Aranite primarily in The Glasglow Rivers where various species of aranite-dependent organisms namely mosses, algae, fungi, and a rare flowering planet thrive. Some extremophiles have also been discovered in aranite-rich bodies of water and surrounding soil. Whether Zragak shares these same organisms is yet to be seen. But even if they do not exist there, one particular complex organism is sure to be present.   Naraxus, an Arani local to the Shyrofor and Kilowhen galaxies, has been a subject of interest for AI. Some scientists have been tracking its whereabouts and found that Zragak exists at the border of the Arani’s territory. This suggests that Naraxus frequents this planet, although it is difficult to know how often without tools that allow us to track the Arani’s full routine beyond our immediate reach and clear visibility. Other Aranii could also frequent the planet and Arani young may also exist there. Some scientists have suggested the possibility of Zragak being an Arani nursery.   Shortly after Zragak’s discovery, Hirin and her team found a very sinister side to this ghostly object which earned the planet’s name. A star named A01–8832B had been observed about 10 YS prior. Over those 10 YS, Hirin found that A01-8832B began to dim at an alarming rate prompting her to continue observing the star and its surrounding area. Its full disappearance followed the entrance of the previously unknown celestial body lurking in the shadows. Zragak most likely stole the materials from its stellar victim, however whether its intense gravity or an additional element is to blame is yet to be seen.   To make matters worse, Zragak is a rogue planet. It has no parent star, no moons or planetary siblings, and seems to be hurdling through the universe at an alarming speed. Whether it is orbiting something isn’t known yet.   In conclusion, although X Planets are only a very new find, the idea that others exist within the known universe has a very high likelihood. These planets could potentially be oases for exotic life and may even be origin sites for the planet eating Aranii. Given Zragak’s hostile nature, other X Planets nearby established systems could present a dangerous outcome. Scientists will continue research on Zragak and are now on the look out for others like it.
Artist conception of what Zragak might look like.
Alternative Name(s)
X01, X Planet
Discovered by Hirin Kio


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