Trans Horizon Ring Unit


Giant rings constructed from a flexible yet super strong white metal mined in the oceans of the Liwyathev System. The Trans Horizon Ring Units (THRU) operate in pairs generating, stabilizing, and maintaining a Slipspace Tunnel between them, creating a gateway that allows ships to pass through. With advancements in the technology overtime the tunnel system has changed dramatically, going from a small semi-stable portal produced by a bulky station, to a sleek self-sustaining ring.
The gates remain operational at all times, the swirling white vortexes bolstering travel and commerce.  


  Travel that once took years, turned to months, and then mere hours. Today travel through the two portals is almost instantaneous, ships emerging from the second portal before they've even fully passed through the first.
Traffic between the two sides of Tunnels takes turns entering, limiting the direction of movement to one way to prevent deviations in the flow of the matter that could lead to disastrous side effects.
Similarly, do to the size of the cargo ships only one can pass through at a time. Due to the volume of traffic between the three major systems the rings there have been expanded so that up to three can enter at a time.
These days one can find THRU Rings at the edges of all the systems and planetary groups in the Intergalactic Alliance, allowing for fast reliable transportation.  


  All of the THRU Rings are owned and operated by the IGCP, outsourcing repairs and maintenance to local engineering companies and mechanics. The gates undergo frequent diagnostics and system scans, the engineering team ensuring that the system stays well with in safety perimeters and the mechanics fixing and replacing parts before they can cause a problem.
Many of the rings now bare their own unique color and design, the original white slowly covered up by new parts and upgrades. The maintenance teams even building off of these and painting their own patterns on them and creating their own crests to adorn the metal surface.
Research was conducted at Central Ananlath Institute of Science Technology and Medicine (A.I.) by the A.I. Tri-system Research Group
The discovery and implementation of the first slipspace tunnels ended the seventh era and began the eighth.
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The Tunnels can range two to three miles in diameter, the largest ones (located in the three major systems) reaching up to six miles wide.


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