Archetype: Archaeologist

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Archaeologist by Tillerz using MidJourney
Archaeologists are intrepid adventurers and scholars who journey to forgotten ruins, ancient tombs, and buried cities in search of lost knowledge and priceless artifacts. They possess a deep fascination with history and the mysteries of the past, often driven by a burning desire to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the earth. These individuals not only hunt for treasure but also dedicate themselves to preserving and interpreting the remnants of bygone eras. Archaeologists value the preservation of historical sites and artifacts, and they strive to maintain the integrity of their findings.  
  Role in the Party: Archaeologists serve as invaluable sources of historical information and often take on the role of puzzle solvers and trap disablers. They excel at deciphering ancient texts, revealing the history of cursed relics, and offering valuable insights into the civilizations of the past. Their knowledge can guide the party in understanding the significance of their findings and making informed decisions during archaeological expeditions. On top of that they can provide an abundance of useful tools.  
  • Affinity: Earth
  • Primary Characteristics: Initiative, Intelligence
  • Earning Skill: Lore (History)
  • Equipment: Hammer, Chisel, Brush, Shovel, Pickaxe, Chalk, Field Journal, Writing Tools, Bedroll, Waterskin


  • Climb, Evaluate, Intuition, Language (select), Lore (Anthropology), Lore (Geography), Lore (History), Melee (Brawling), Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Research, Track, Trade (Archaeology)

Building the Backstory

  These questions don't have to get answered and written down in detail, they are just there to make your think about your hero, but the answers can help the gamemaster to set up connections and stories related to your character.  
  • What led you to pursue archaeology as a profession, and what was your most significant early discovery or excavation?
  • Describe a dangerous encounter or artifact you encountered during one of your archaeological expeditions. How did you handle it?
  • Do you have a particular historical era or civilization that fascinates you most? What drives your passion for uncovering the past?
  • Have you ever had to navigate the ethics of artifact collection and preservation? How do you balance the thrill of discovery with the responsibility of preserving history?
  • What is the ultimate mystery or artifact you hope to uncover in your archaeological career, and what drives your relentless pursuit of it?


A character begins with a selection of abilities and features listed in the Novice tier. If there are additional entries available, they can be acquired as the character advances through gameplay. Upon reaching specific milestones, the character can advance to the next tier. However, certain traits from those higher tiers must be earned through effort and accomplishment.
  Legend: Companion Gadget Mutation Potion Scroll Spell Talent

✠ Novice

During the course of their job, archaeologists make extensive use of various devices that assist them. In the beginning, a Novice will have the backpack plus another one other item of their choice in their possession. They can acquire more as they progress. If the Archaeologist is also an Engineer, they can try to build the items themselves, which would give them a bonus (+2 SL) in case they need to repair them.  
Expert Historian
Archaeologists have extensive knowledge of historical events and can recall crucial details about civilizations and their achievements: +2 SL (Success Levels) when trying to recall details of common historic events, places, and people.   Clandren's Cogwheel Compass
by Tillerz using MidJourney

A brass compass with intricate cogwheel mechanisms for precise orientation and navigation in complex underground tunnels or mazes.   Special effect: with the press of a button you can lock the compass to it's current location, so you can always find this place again until you lock the compass to a different location or release it to normal mode.
Archaeologist's Backpack A special waterproof backpack with lots of space and many pockets. Items can be strapped to its sides for quick use in case of emergency (not that this would ever happen, why would an archaeologist have an emergency, they just brush down broken vases, right?)   Mystical Light Emitter
by Tillerz using MidJourney

An evergowing lantern that emits a soft, warm light, useful for illuminating dark crypts and deciphering ancient texts. It possesses shutters on all four sides to shut it down.   Side effect: it also colors all objects (even the air), depending on their temperature. The warmer, the brighter red they glow. Radius: 30 ft.

♟ Adept

Ancient Linguist
Archaeologists gain proficiency in multiple ancient languages, allowing them to read inscriptions and decipher cryptic texts: +2 Success Levels when trying to read ancient inscriptions.   Alitov's Automated Scribing Quill
A self-writing quill that transcribes notes and sketches while the archaeologist explores, ensuring that no observations are missed.   Telepathic Communicator
A small magical crystal that allows communication with fellow archaeologists over long distances, useful for team coordination.
Etheric Resonance Detector
by Tillerz using MidJourney

A device that detects traces of magical energy left behind on ancient relics or sites, aiding in the identification of enchanted artifacts.   Usage: place it in the center of a room and activate it. For 1 minute, it will illuminate all magical items in a blue light, if there were magical items that got removed (lately), there might be a slight trace of its shape visible. Recharge time: 24 hours.

♜ Master

Relic Hunter
Archaeologists have a keen eye for identifying valuable artifacts, allowing them to discern genuine items from replicas or fakes: +2 Success Levels when trying to identify a replica.   Martok's Mystic Goggles
Goggles with crystal lenses that allow the wearer to see some hidden inscriptions, symbols, or magical wards on artifacts.   Etheric Ward Disruptor
A handheld device that temporarily neutralizes some magical wards and barriers, allowing access to sealed areas.
Cogwheel Timepiece
by Tillerz using MidJourney

An ornate pocket watch with intricate cogwheel designs that helps keep track of time during digs and explorations.   Bonus feature: with the press of a button the gadget rewinds time 10 seconds into the past, for everything in a radius of 3 foot around it. Can only be used once in three days (recharge time).

♛ Legend

Holographic Site Mapping Projector
A magically enhanced steampunk projector that creates 3D holographic maps of excavation sites, aiding in planning and analysis.
Mechanical Archaeopteryx
A clockwork bird that can fly over excavation sites, equipped with a seat large enough for a small person, to survey landscapes.   Paranormal Detector
A gadget equipped with sensors to detect paranormal or ghostly activity often associated with ancient burial sites.


  Archaeologists affiliated with a historical organization often receive varying degrees of support for their expeditions, contingent upon the scale of the endeavor. Certain resources may be included in the monthly membership fee, while others can be acquired or rented for a nominal charge. Alternatively, additional assistance may be provided in exchange for a percentage of any recovered treasures or if the company holds a vested interest in the venture's success.  


  • Excavation Tools: Shovels, brushes, trowels, and picks are essential for uncovering buried relics and carefully excavating fragile items.
  • Field Journals: Archaeologists keep meticulous records of their discoveries, including sketches, notes, and maps, to document their findings. Field Journals come packs of five, combined with ink and writing tools.
  • Artifact Preservation Kits: This kit contains materials for cleaning, repairing, and protecting ancient artifacts.
  • Travel Gear: Tents, backpacks, and camping supplies are essential for extended expeditions into remote regions.
  • Reference Books: Comprehensive reference books on history, archaeology, and anthropology provide valuable insights during research.
  • Laboratory Equipment: Portable tools for analysis and examination of artifacts, including magnifying glasses, scales, and alchemical kits.
  • Protective Gear: Safety goggles, gloves, and masks to protect against dust, debris, heat, cold, and hazardous materials.
  • Surveying Instruments: Compasses, measuring tapes, and surveying equipment for mapping and recording excavation sites with precision.
  • Transportation: Horses, carriages, or camels for transporting equipment and supplies to remote excavation sites.
  • Food and Provisions: Rations, cooking utensils, and portable stoves for sustaining the team during fieldwork.
  • First Aid Kits: Medical supplies and emergency equipment for treating injuries or illnesses while in the field.
  • Weather Protection: Umbrellas, raincoats, and sun hats to shield against inclement weather conditions during outdoor work.
  • Language and Cultural Guides: Books or translators for communicating with locals and understanding the cultural context of archaeological sites.


  • Travel Guides: Experienced locals or hired guides who provide navigation assistance, knowledge of the terrain, and insights into local customs and culture.
  • Porters: Strong individuals hired to carry equipment, supplies, and artifacts to and from excavation sites, ensuring efficient transportation.
  • Cooks and Camp Staff: Personnel responsible for preparing meals, setting up camp, and maintaining cleanliness and orderliness at the expedition's base camp.
  • Interpreters: Bilingual or multilingual individuals who facilitate communication between archaeologists and local inhabitants, aiding in interviews, negotiations, and interactions.
  • Security Personnel: Guards or escorts hired to protect the team and their valuable equipment and artifacts from theft, vandalism, or hostile encounters.
  • Laborers: Workers hired for manual labor tasks such as digging, clearing debris, or constructing temporary structures at excavation sites.
  • Liaison Officers: Representatives who establish and maintain relationships with local authorities, landowners, and community members, ensuring cooperation and compliance with regulations.
  • Merchants and Traders: Suppliers of goods and services such as food, equipment, and transportation, who may negotiate prices and arrangements with the archaeological company.

Cover image: Archaeology by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Dec 2, 2023 13:11

I love your page set up and the use of containers and such. I wish I could figure out how to do those... that's my goal for next year is to get my layout "cleaned up"!

Dec 2, 2023 15:09 by Jaime Buckley

Just FYI -- your header/cover art? That is my favorite style/flavor -- the water color looking, with the rough edges. Makes me think "fantasy adventure" right away!!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jan 11, 2024 20:42

This is a great article! I like how useful archaeologists are, and how they have a tool that nullifies what amounts to fantasy energy shields (wards) ^_^ The dropcap you have at the beginning of the article is gorgeous! And even though I don't play tabletop RPGs, I like how you included questions that can help players flesh out their characters <3

Jan 14, 2024 07:34 by Tillerz

Thank you! Also see the comment I made to Kydra_Hunter. :)

Jan 12, 2024 18:19 by Kydra

I love the structure of this. It is such a great way to break down the archetype in an easy to read way. The progression tiers are particularly nice in how easy they are to read over. Overall this is a really neat archetype as well. I love how situationally powerful Archaeologists could be when set up like this!

Jan 14, 2024 07:32 by Tillerz

Thank you. I think all classes / archetypes should have some powerful features. Games like D&D are really combat focussed and I want to have it different, where exploration, heists, murder mysteries, or even daily chores can be as exciting.

Jan 18, 2024 14:23 by Lia Felis

I like it when a character has intelligence and poise and isn't a chaotic stupid 'murderhobo'. I think I'd love to play an archaeologist character - and I'd also love to DM an archaeologist character. The setup is beautiful as always.

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.
Jan 27, 2024 14:32 by Secere Laetes

Wow, wirklich ein super Archetyp. Mir gefällt, wie du die Gegenstände für die Tiers ausgewählt hast und welche Funktionen sie haben, außerdem die wirklich professionelle Ausarbeitung und dass du Archäologen gewählt hast. Eigentlich ja ein Klassiker in Filmen, aber im Rollenspiel etwas unterrepräsentiert. Na und deine Aufmachung ist ohnehin immer sehr gut. Danke dafür. Den Artikel werde ich in meiner Reading Challenge erwähnen.

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