Magic System Inspiration in Akadimía | World Anvil

Magic System Inspiration

High Fantasy Setting

It bears reminding that this is a work of fiction in a fantasy setting. The key distinguishing feature is the presence of magic in various forms. These span from the Bloodline magic of the Drákos Tribes and Families or the Miracles of Dieu.   The existence of magic allows us to advance or retard the development of cultures, substitute supernatural mechanisms for modern technologies, or even change an entire culture's underlying social dynamics. Not all magic operates the same way.  

The Causes of Magic

Magic may have existed on Zihæt before the Great War. Akadimía assumes no specific source but does indicate the magical field is affected by several celestial objects and phenomena.   The Gods' sacrifice during the Great War greatly enhanced the magical field extant on the planet.  

Magic versus Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
— Arthur C. Clarke
  Zihæt relies on the inverse of Clarke's third law: substitute magic for any sufficiently advanced technology.   There are many potential substitutions:
  • Extremely long-range weaponry, kinetic energy weaponry, or explosive charge/area of effect weaponry,
  • Advanced Architecture, Engineering, and Manufacturing Processes (in particular, those reliant on precision tooling and high temperature),
  • Communications technologies and optical effects,
  • Medicine and healing effects,
And many others.  

Speed of Cultural Change

Technology can drive culture change and vice versa. History has shown that technological innovation often leads to changes in the amount of labor or capital required to achieve a particular result or its quality. These changes can lead to adaptations in gender roles, population distribution, class dynamics, and even leisure time levels.   Substituting in magic or miracles for technology can change the "set points" at which societal changes slow and consolidate gains. If there is no social need for a technological innovation due to a sufficient magical substitute, technology and social changes may never develop. Conversely, magic may enable a low or zero cost improvement to a process or product that drives the changes described above, without technological investment. For example, one might altogether bypass certain types of steam or combustion-based technologies in favor of the equivalent magic.  

Social Dynamics

Magic can change the balance of power between ethnicities, classes, and genders. As an example, consider the Drákon League. The League is a fusion of Greek and Japanese elements: two ancient cultures with patriarchal (or even misogynistic) behaviors. Yet, Akadimía portrays the League as somewhat gender blind and strongly matrilineal.   Again, magic makes this possible.
  • Simple, widely available, and unregulated magical contraceptives exist alongside appropriate medical understanding.
  • Magic replaces some forms of physical labor, augment physical attributes, or enhance combat capabilities.
Reproductive choice combined with mitigating or eliminating (real or perceived) physiological differences between genders balances the gender power dynamics.   When you add in differing social pressures from humanoid cultures native to Zihæt, you open up the possibility of significantly different societies than we assume from our histories.


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