Liara Portyr Character in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil

Liara Portyr

As the commander of Fort Beluarian, Liara spends most of her time worrying about the security of her stronghold while cutting deals with pirates. In general, she has no problem with adventurers and will do her utmost to help them deal with the myriad threats lurking in the jungle. Her chief concern is the undead which have been marching north in the direction of the Fort.   Liara comes from an influential family in Baldur’s Gate and has held her post for the past three years. To her, the assignment feels like a test of mettle, but to many of her subordinates, Fort Beluarian feels like banishment. Liara’s spies in Port Nyanzaru furnish her with ship manifests and departure schedules that she passes along to the pirates of Jahaka Anchorage, in exchange for promises to never attack ships flying the flag of Baldur's Gate. Liara also receives a cut of the pirates’ profits, some of which go toward keeping her garrison happy.   Currently, Liara is seeking a group of adventurers to look into Big Gorge Mine and discover the nature of the disease that has afflicted her soldiers. She also is hoping to gather remaining ore from the mine and send it north to Baldur's Gate.   
Lawful Evil
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