Big Gorge Mine Plot in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil

Big Gorge Mine

Written by Jeff C. Stevens and from The Mines of Chult.
Big Gorge Mine is a short exploration adventure designed for five characters of any level. High-level characters may find the adventure easier.

Adventure Background

Once a thriving silver mine, the Big Gorge Mine became infested with diseased bats, causing the deaths of many miners and the owner. The remaining miners fled with their possessions, leaving many things, including the rafts they used to transport the silver out of the mine.

Plot Hook

Explorers from Fort Beluarian discovered a ruined mine a few days travel southeast of the Fort. Many of the soldiers who explored the mine did not return, and those that did soon died of a mysterious disease soon afterwards. With the undead forces marching north, it is only a matter of time before the mine and any potential ore from it are lost. It is also possible that the undead could weaponize the disease of the mine, causes a great deal of suffering and death.   Liara Portyr is willing to hire adventurers to clear out the mine. She will pay 1,000 gp to any group who clears out the mine and identifies the mysterious affliction. She will also buy any silver recovered from the mine at the standard market rate. Any other treasure looted by adventurers within the mine is their's to keep.  
Big Gorge Mine Map

Approaching the Mine

"The rock trail leads along the edge of a tall cliff. Several old wagon marks remain, leading you to a sign and a small, wooden dock. The sign reads 'Welcome to Big Gorge Mine', but a skull-and-crossbones has been crudely carved into the sign."

An adventurer native to Chult who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (History) check recalls knowledge of Big Gorge Mine.
  • 14-16: It was once a profitable silver mine.
  • 17-19: For some reason, it was quickly shut down.
  • 20+: Folk claim the owner and several miners have never been found.

Area 1

"It appears the mine was abandoned. Several picks, shovels, trowels, torches, and candles lay scattered along the walls near the entrance."

There are 5 Tattered Miner's Picks, 3 Tattered Shovels, 9 Torches, and 16 Candles scattered around the walls near the entrance. The tools are all covered in a layer of rust.

Area 2

"A wooden platform, several lengths of bamboo lashed together with rope, lies inside the cave."

The platform is a bamboo raft used to transport the silver from Area 6 and Area 8. Rather than trying to carry the silver across the precarious wooden bridge, the miners utilized the underground waterway by placing the silver on rafts and floating them out.   The underground waterfall hindered their ability to row or pull the rafts back up the river. To overcome this, they made the rafts from the lightest material they could find and then carried them across the bridge.

Area 3

"A precarious-looking suspended bridge spans a deep gorge. The bridge sways and creaks slightly as a cool breeze rises from below."

  The Gorge
The gorge is 80-feet deep. Many silver nuggets, worth a total of 150 gp, shine at the bottom if light is present. The miners dropped several bags while attempting to cross the bridge. The bags split open when they landed at the bottom of the gorge.   Zombies in the Gorge
#(2 x average party level) zombies wandered into the mine, fell into the gorge, and now wait for a meal. The fall shattered the bones in their legs, so now they can only crawl and claw around the gorge floor (reduce speed to 15 ft.).    The Body in the Gorge
The bones of a miner named Jebbo Bigtoe, picked clean by the zombies, lie on the floor of the gorge. Jebbo contracted The Whispering Death and fell from the bridge during evacuation.   If searched, Jebbo's tattered and torn clothes hold 10 gp, a Tattered Hammer, and the Note to Petunia (See sidebar).   The Bats
The western wall of the gorge has five 2-foot-wide and 10-foot tall cracks. The cracks are 60-feet-deep and lead to another cave system where swarms of bats roost.   The bats are afflicted with The Whispering Death and are attracted to noise.    Bats Attack
At the beginning of each round, if an adventurer is at the bottom of the gorge or any a creature crosses the suspended bridge, unless the party is stealthy with a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) group check, the bats hear the adventurers and attack.    Creatures on the bridge while being attacked by a swarm of bats must make a DC 13 Dexterity check. On a failure, the creature loses its balance and plummets into the gorge, taking 8d6 bludgeoning damage and landing prone.   The Bridge
The bridge is sturdy and sound. Six thick ropes, three on each side, are attached to the bridge and hang from the 20-foot-high cavern ceiling. The planks of the bridge are leashed together with rope. No ability check is required to cross the bridge.   Carrying a raft across the brudge requires it to be turned on its side. The raft is light enough to carry, so movement is not impeded.

Area 4

Seeking more silver on this side of the gorge, the miners began excavating this area. They found no veins of silver, so ceased their efforts.

Area 5

"Rocks and chucks of silver are piled in the northern corner of this tunnel. Rusty picks and shovels litter the ground."

The miners found a small vein of silver and began mining it, but quickly left after several miners perished from The Whispering Death  On top of the rock pile are three small skeletons, easily discernible as bats. The miners had a run-in with bats here, but they used their shovels to fend off the flying creatures, killing a few.   Treasure
There are 3 Tattered Miner's Picks and 2 Tattered Shovels lying on the ground in this room. Sifting through the pile of rocks yields 80 gp worth of silver nuggets.

Area 6

As the richest section of the mine, this area still holds several valuable veins of silver. The glittering reflection of these veins can be seen from Area 3 if a light source is being used.    Treasure
Six silver veins, three on the north wall and three on the south wall, contain a total of 450 gp worth of silver. This silver can be mined by five miners using melee attacks over the course of 24 hours.    The Bats
Attempts to mine the silver attract the ire of one swarm of bats from the crevices of the gorge every three hours the ore is being mined.

Area 7

A small, sturdy bridge crosses a swift-moving stream. Areas 6 and 8 were the last sections to be mined. Like Area 6, Area 8 contains several rich veins of silver ore.   The Stream
The stream varies in depth, ranging from 10 feet along the shore and cavern edges to 30 feet near the center. The current is swift enough to move a creature five feet per round towards the waterfall.

Area 8

Two bamboo rafts are tied to the bank, but they are unfit to use. The lashing has unraveled, causing lengths of bamboo to separate. Several of the bamboo limbs are now waterlogged, causing the rafts to slightly sink below the water level. The only usable raft is located in Area 2. Four oak oars lie on the shore next to the semi-submerged rafts.   Treasure
Three thick veins of silver are in the east wall of this area. These veins contain 600 gp worth of silver that can be mined by five miners using melee attacks over the course of 24 hours.    The Bats
Attempts to mine the silver attract the ire of one swarm of bats from the crevices of the gorge every three hours the ore is being mined.   The Raft
The raft from Area 2 can hold 400 gp worth of silver and two medium-sized or smaller humanoid passengers.

Area 9

A tall, stone spire bifurcates this section of the stream. Unless this area is navigated correctly, the raft hits the stone spire, causing the raft to break apart and spill its contents into the river.    Navigating the Stream
A character with proficiency with sea vessels, a naval or pirate-style background, or related history has advantage when attempting to navigate the stream and steer the raft.    Navigating the stream requires a successful DC 14 Strength check every round. Adventurers proficient with water vehicles can add their proficiency bonus. A successful check allows the raft to move ten feet in the direction the driver desires. A failed check results in the raft to either speed up or slow down for that round. To determine the outcome, roll 1d6 and consult the below table:
  1. The raft moves 5 feet in the chosen direction.
  2. The raft moves 5 feet in the opposite direction chosen.
  3. The raft does not move. Instead, it rotates 90 degrees and the next check is made with disadvantage.
  4. The raft moves 5 feet in the chosen direction, rotates 90 degrees, and the next check is made with disadvantage.
  5. The raft moves 10 feet in the opposite direction chosen.
  6. The raft moves 10 feet in the opposite direction chosen.
Swimming the Stream
A creature with a swim speed may freely move about the stream, requiring no ability checks.   A creature without a swim speed may float downstream if they are no wearing medium or heavy armor.   A creature without a swim speed wearing medium or heavy armor suffers one level of exhaustion after navigating the stream. Area 10 The bifurcated sections of Area 9 converge and meet at a waterfall that drops 20 feet at a 45-degree angle. A successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check is required to successfully navigate the raft down the waterfall. Failure results in the raft listing to one side. In this case, another DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check is required. On a success, the driver can right the raft and continue on and out of the underground stream. A failed check results in the raft tipping over and spilling its contents into the stream. Any creature on the raft is quickly swept downstream, ending up near the dock.    Swimming creatures suffer no additional effects from the waterfall; they simply slide down and then are swept out, ending at the dock.

General Features

  Terrain. Loose gravel codes the floor of the abandoned mine.
Weather. Slightly humid and warm, but the air cools near the underground river.
Light. Unless otherwise noted, the abandoned mine is dark.
Smells and Sounds. The mine smells of damp dirt and stone. A soft breeze circulates within, originating from the lower section of the gorge.
  The Whispering Death
This rare disease is carried by bats and mosquitoes. A giant or humanoid that takes damage from a creature carrying this disease must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become infected. A creature with natural armor has advantage on the saving throw. It takes 1d6 hours for the symptoms of Whispering Death to appear.   Symptoms include a fever, heavy sweating, the auditory illusion of someone whispering in the afflicted creature’s ear, and the creature whispering to itself as it carries on a conversation with the whispering voice.   Once symptoms begin, the infected creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls. In addition, due to the constant whispering in its ear, the creature gains no benefits from a long rest. The disease may be removed with lesser restoration or similar magic, or if the infected creature succeeds on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw after attempting a long rest. On a success, the creature gains the benefit of the long rest and is no longer infected, gaining immunity to Whispering Death for the next 24 hours.   Dungeon Roster
  • Zombies
  • Swarms of Bats

It's been crazy here. People are coming down with some sort of illness. I'm lucky I only have a couple more weeks before I can come home.

I'll see you soon!

Love and smooches,



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