Charnelism - Charnelite Covens Ethnicity in The Chronicles of Evalaw | World Anvil

Charnelism - Charnelite Covens

Charnelites are a nomadic fringe group of people, outside the structure of the Temple of the Seven signs and outcasts of Dral'azie society. A feral, crazed mass of religious zealots, obsessed with exacting the baleful god Charnels will. Charnelites are a harrowing sight for all to behold, bringing with them untold pain and misery in the name of their murderous god.   Drawn to suffering and slaughter, Charnelite's travel in Covens of Vestals, accompanied by cohorts of slaves, followers and the desgraced Templar of the Ossuaire chapter. They will happily mutilate and disfigure themselves as a show of devotion to the god of slaughter. Filing their teeth down and mutilate themselves in various different and creative ways as a sign of devotion to the god of Murder. Their pain is his pleasure. They expose vast amounts of flesh and negate armour in battle, believing the pain and anguish inflicted upon themselves will please their fickle lord.   Their coming is one that strikes fear and dread into the hearts of people everywhere, no one, high or low born is spare from their murderous appetites. Those unlucky enough not to be killed immediately will be subjected to a dire fate indeed. Becoming a ritualistic sacrifice, a process that can last for days. The longer the pain and torment the sacrifice endures, the greater boon one can expect from the god of slaughter will bless upon his Vestals and the chosen. The very sensation of spilling the blood of their victims, and to bathe in it is seen as the ultimate sensual experience.   Many in the Coven embrace pleasure through pain, falling into the influence of Aloussa, the fallen goddess of love and bride to their lord Charnel. It is not uncommon for priestesses of Aulossa to travel among a coven of Charnel, and even in some cases rise up to lead one themselves. Though technically apart of the Temple of the Seven signs, the authority tends to give the Charnelites a wide birth, only deploying it's forces when they need to keep their mad dog in line should a Coven get out of hand. Originally this was the duty of the Ossauire Templar chapter that accompanied them to keep the Covens in line. Now centuries of overexposure has driven the chapter into just as rabid butchers and psychopaths as the coven itself, under the sway of its Vestals.     Blood Mistress;   At the very pinnacle of Charnels faith is the Blood Mistress, she is the embodiment of Charnel will. She is recognised as the priestess to Charnel himself under Temple law, and the commander of Charnels own Ossuaire Templar. Thus making her the very figure head of their faith, and as such, the example that the Vestals must adhere to, and authority they must obey. The Blood Mistress is responsible for beginning the Night of Murder with the first ritual sacrifice, and the last to bring the night to a close.   Coven Mistress;   Each individual coven is led by a Mistress who acts as a high priestess for the coven, and mother to the Vestals and all the true believers under her care.   Vestals;   The Vestals are very unlike the other members of the priesthood. They tend to let their teachings take a very physical and personal approach. Usual methods range from disembowelling a sacrifice to bathing in the blood of their victims. Each approach ends with a vile and sadistic outcome, all with the intent to sate the god of murders unquenchable bloodlust. By most the Charnelites and there Vestals are seen as a crazed hordes of religious zealots, obsessed with exacting Charnels baleful will.   The Vestals are not tethered in one place like the rest of the priesthood, they travel in Covens of Vestals, accompanied by a cohort of slaves, minions and Templars from charnels own Ossuaire chapter. Their coming is one that strikes terror into the hearts of people everywhere, especially when Murder Night dawns each year.   At the head of the Vestals is the Blood Mistress, she is the equivalent of a high priestess, but very different. She also is the leader of the Ossuaire Chapter of Templars that are devotees to Charnel.   Heralds;   The Heralds of Charnel little more than zealots and fanatics, and a quite gruesome to behold at that. Masochists and sadists trying to sate the god of pain, tormenting them in every carnal way he can manage. Mutilating themselves and others in the process to wet their lords appetites. Usually branding the symbol of Charnel into their forehead, and into those that would follow their ramblings. Garments of flayed skin made out of those they have 'enlightened' are a common slight.     Ossuaire Templar;   The Kalabite Templar of the Ossauaries chapter are the guardians of the Charnelite coverns and possess a unique organisation structure, very different to most other chapters. Devotees to Charnel, the God of pain and Slaughter, they are seen as marauding psychopaths, masochists and murderers that revel in the pain and suffering they inflict upon others and themselves. More akin to a debauched gang of killers than brethren of the Temple. Clad in brass and copper amour, striking a pang of dread and terror into the hearts of all that see them. They are a brotherhood, sworn to spreading the bloodlust of the god of murder. Acting as the attack dogs of the Vestals every whim, committing atrocities in their name, usually resulting in the Ossuaire Templars committing a wanton massacre, or capturing potential sacrifices. They are a grim tiding and their presence is always considered a ill omen of things to come. Each and every member of the Chapter is a psychotic killer, not batting an eye lid before carving a person's heart and drinking from it, in a very literal manner. This is a rite of passage to become a Ossuaire Templar.


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