Sudden Displacement Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil

Sudden Displacement

Brief Overview

Sudden displacement is a natural phenomenon that causes those caught in its range to teleport from one place to another. There is no possible method known to determine where the sudden displacement will send a creature, but all studies conducted so far indicate that the displacement can send it anywhere, even other planes of existence...

General Overview

When the Displacement phenomenon occurs, it appears as if the affected creature is liquifying. Their flesh will drip off them until they are nothing but a puddle. However, a puddle will appear at the new location, and the creature can climb back out of it whole. All who've experienced this describe the displacement as follows.
"The sky started spinning, and then it was like I was soaked all the way down to my soul! Everything felt wet, even after I crawled back out of the liquid. It felt like forever, but it was only a moment, and for that moment, I wasn't a person anymore... I was just a meager, helpless little puddle..."
The displacement phenomena has affected thousands of people throughout its recorded history, leaving only 102 of the displaced creatures as survivors, whereas the rest remain missing to this day...
All survivors who have come forward specify crippling pain, cold sweats, and a mind-numbing fear during the displacement process. Meaning on top of the immediate concern as to where it'll take them, these poor creatures suffered immensely when displaced, and the final thoughts of the thousands of victims yet to be found would not have been pleasant.


The color of the liquid the affected creatures turn varies depending on their complexion and the equipment they have on hand. No matter the instance, one thing is clear: everything they have and all that they are will liquify.
This process has been described as terrifying to watch by onlookers. In one particular case a mother watch her child experience Sudden Displacement and no matter what she did her daughter seemed to simply melt in her hands. As she reached out for her child, her daughters skin soaked her thoroughly, dripping down her arms and into a puddle beneath her. She waked to where the phenomena had triggered for her child, but the displacement didn't take her, and her daughter was never seen again...


Sudden displacement is said to happen anywhere that there are high concentrations of raw Tari, however, no evidence has been found to designate tari as the underlying cause of this phenomena. Many religious civilians believe that it's the tari, but scientists have been contesting that claim for centuries, stating that without sufficient evidence it cannot be determined.
The most common areas that this phenomenon occurs are The Gelid Tundra, Furystrom, & Floral Fields, though it is said that it could happen anywhere under the right conditions...
There have been rumors that the Sudden Displacement phenomenon is not limited to Eden due to a statement made by the deity Stellae during the War of Gods.
"Damned displacement! An entire planet is missing! Oh, wait. No, there it is. Phew! That could've been bad" --Stellae
This has lead mortals to believe that the Sudden Displacement phenomena can genuinely happen anywhere, and at any time, causing a massive boom in the sales of Displacement Deterrent, a false product that claims to keep people safe from being displaced.
Metaphysical, Arcane
The Gelid Tundra
Geographic Location | Dec 22, 2023

Geographic Location | Dec 22, 2023

Floral Fields
Geographic Location | Dec 22, 2023

Cover image: by jarobert


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