Sons Gate Item in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil

Sons Gate

As seen in

Brief Overview

A gate to the surface of the star, Son. Once opened, this gate would burn anything within 15-feet of its doorway to dust in a little under one minute. The only thing known to consistently survive the gates opening was a small bush called the Fern of Flames.

General Overview

This gate was stumbled across by a few different species however it was dominantly used by an ancient civilization of people called the Techtortons. It was worshipped as what they believed to be "a door to god," and only the most worthy, or those in need of purification were permitted to walk through Sons gate...


First saint, First trial

It was built by an Urumah and used to set the planet ablaze in order to fertilize new growth. Left abandoned long after, it was discovered by a mortal criminal named Pyrite on his way to Perish from The Garden of Eden. Pyrite figured out how to open the gate and harness fire from Sons surface in order to share it with the rest of the mortals. After this, Son whispered ways to create more flames and Pyrite rejoiced for his new trials, then closing the gate for only the worthy to find.


The Techtokhomb

Mortals of the Techtokhomb faith discovered it several years later next to a fern which was still aflame at the edge of scorched grass.
When they finally pried the doors open it appeared that everything within 15-feet of the gateway burst into flames and burnt into nothing. This included several people. Everything except a bush which was later titled the Fern of Flames, eventually burned to dust.
Originally the gate was used to hunt. The hunters of their faith would chase large game into the gates radius and then use reblestone spears attached to treated vine ropes to quickly drag the cooked animals back to safety if possible.
Eventually a grand city was built around the gate, dedicated to serving Son with proper respects. The city became a temple and the entire place was governed by two factions, the priesthood of the Living flame, and the Jaguar warriors, who followed the word of a bloodline they believed to be chosen by Son himself. This bloodline was thought by the Techtortons to have originated from the gods, making them revered as demigods but labeled only as kings.
Sons Gate remained there in that city until it was mysteriously destroyed. All that remains of this once sacred artifact is a weathered stone chunk of its door frame located in a museum in Fyorah...


Of Worship

Sons Gate had several uses initially but its true value was held with its religious significance. It was revered by the Techtortons of the Living Flame, and long before this it was worshipped by the Sylph
The Sylph worshipped it as part of a four-way cycle involving the four gods of Natura who they believed created everything. They coveted the four main artifacts surrounding these deities, those being Sons Gate which symbolized fire, Caellis fan which symbolized wind, Neptyrs Fountain of Youth which symbolized water, and Myamyas crown of thorns, which represented nature. They wished to claim all artifacts as part of a religious crusade, but Myamya forbid them from entering the forest where it was located due to their impact on the ecosystems within.
The Techtortons would worship it each day at dawn, and use it for warmth in the cold winter. It was an essential part of their culture, even dictating their population. When the Techtortons were met with famine, drought, or plague, they assumed that it was their god unhappy with them. To bring joy to their Son, they would round up several volunteers who, the entire week leading up to the "Day of Warmth" would be treated like royalty. During the warming ceremony the volunteers were slathered with a flammable oil harvested from a wheat-like plant, and then they were carried to Sons border, which was the edge of the gates radius. Once each volunteer had spoken their final prayer, the Gate was pulled open and the volunteers would then go to be with Son.


Of Origins

The original use for Sons Gate was unfortunately much darker than originally assumed, and no living mortal would have ever known. The Urumah created Son Gate when it came to Eden before the cosmos wars and found a sickly infant of a planet on its last few rotations. The native species and flora of the planet had polluted and intoxicated Edens skies and soils in a way that was near beyond repair. The Urumah spoke to these ancient creatures and was met with hostility. It watched and wept together with Son as these beings destroyed their own home. A collection of species so capable and yet so selfish that their final legacy would be their self destruction. The species cried out for Mercy, and so she came. The goddess of Mercy purged the planet of that species, and the rest were left to die with their planet. The Urumah couldn't save what was left, but it could fertilize the soils so one day they may again bear life.
The Urumah returned to Eden and planted a single seed before it built Sons Gate on the planets surface. The moment it placed the final piece, the gates center suddenly filled with Sonlight. The doorway had opened and star-fire blessed with purity flooded Edens surface before the Urumah or Son could react. It was then decided that the Gate was too powerful and it had achieved its purpose, so the Urumah scribbled a rune within the gates frame, and then built it a "door." The Rune would filter and limit the amount of Sons power capable of leaking through the gateway. The door, however, was a complete limiter. Nothing but Sons light could leak through the door. The gate was locked and left for others to find and the planted seed later sprouted as Myamya.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Creation Date
BH, Before humanity.
Destruction Date
-2021 BN
Current Location
Only one artifact like this ever exsisted, and none now how to recreate it.
It's weight was never discovered. The Gate appeared to be anchored to the ground beneath it.
measured from top to bottom, then side to side it was found to be a 6x6 gateway.
Raw materials & Components
It was said to have been built using pieces of the Urumah who created it.

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