Fern of Flames Item in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil

Fern of Flames

When Sons Gate first opened, everything within 15-feet of its doorway spontaneously combusted, this included four people. Of the five people present, only one survived to hear Son speak and watch the fern bush burst aflame, only to remain alive somehow. He harvested the flame to share with humanity and travelled on towards Perish. It was later discovered and cased within its own gated walkway so members of the Techtokhomb could use the gate to hunt, yet still preserve the sacred plant. The near destruction of the fern caused the natives the cease their hunting and instead build a temple and city around the sacred artifacts in order to protect and worship them respectfully.
  What the mortals weren't aware of was when the Urumah built Sons Gate, it had also dropped a seed of ambrosia, which rooted down into Edens mantle layer. So, although the plant was eternally aflame and unable to bear fruit, its roots kept it alive, and the flames actually served to fertilize the divine flora. Unfortunately, during modern day expeditions led to seek this mystical bush, only rumors of its existence have been found, no physical evidence. Though it is often referenced in prayers whispered by only the most devout members of the Living Flame.


It was coveted by the Techtortons who protected it. Revered for its ability to survive Sons flames, to their people it symbolized a true testament to Sons mercy.
Creation Date
Destruction Date
-2021 BN
Current Location
Only one fern like this ever existed, however, Ambrosia is flora native to Taegate, the realm of gods. This makes it an impossibly rare plant.
6 lbs

Cover image: by pixundfertig


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